Can i borrow your motorcycle??


Living Legend
Jul 22, 2010
Tulsa OK
2012 Carpenter Silver BACK240
If you had a friend that you never met in person but you and him have been posting in a forum for long time, you feel you know him well enough, but he is in Brazil and you are in Australia.
One day he send you a pm saying he is going to your home town for a vacation, would you let him borrow one of your bikes to ride and maybe even show him the best places to ride??Just courious in case i ever go to Australia, you know, is just around the corner from Tulsa.In my case i would be honored, providing that he has his motorcycle endorsment from his country of origen:)
I'd let him borrow mine.
It depends on who it was.
Like you said, "a friend", then yea sure.
I don't feel I have to meet everyone in person
to get a feel for them as people.
I know anyone can be anyone online,
but I figure most, if not all of us in the bikeing community
are what and who we say we are.
Hard to find a better group of folks than the Rocket Riders,
I have met, so yea, my friend could ride mine..

Now if he was just an occassional poster,
and I wasn't comfortable with his personality online,
then the offer wouldn't have come up.

Besides, "accidents" can happen to anyone anytime.
Case in point,
Me and one of my harley riding buds were headed out to a bar
yesterday afternoon for free food.
We're the same age, both early 20's,
yea right, ok early 50's,
So here we are headed down the highway, I'm letting him lead and I'm running tailgunner,
when this old man don't see my bud and sweeps him off the road right into a ditch,
I see it all go down.
Pull up, my buddy is sittin up by his bike in the ditch with blood going everwhere,
but he's conscious and coherent,
so I call 911.
Check for compound fractures and try to keep him still till the ambulance gets there.
He's in the hospital right now.
No internal injurys,
just cut from head to toe, shifter broke off and went through his foot,
tore his knee cap all but off,
**** like that.

So yea IF I trusted my online buddy on my bike, I'd realize, accidents could and do happen, but I'd still let him ride it.
I sure wouldn't have him rent a harley, couldn't do that and consider him a friend.....
Are we talking about just a "bike", or an R3? Letting a friend ride one of your toys is one thing, turning someone loose on an 800lb bulldozer is something else. You might follow Triumphs lead and verify big bike experience before loaning out an R3.
Sorry to hear about your buddy.

I hope he will be alright. Did anyone catch up with the guy that ran him off the road?

Loaning out an R3..... probably not unless I knew them pretty well, heck my brothers are the only ones I have let hop on mine. My Harley or the Star, no problem with those.
NO, i dont think i would let just anybody borrow the rocket,i meant, you have 2 bikes and of course you will let him use your spare bike, among good natured people in the world there is the golden rule which of course i go by, if it breaks while in your posession, you fix it.
and like i said, it had to be a person you had been posting with for looong time and from the other side of the world, :)
I trusted in the "If it breaks ..." rule of common sense once upon a time (and still have relapses), but then things like Power Sports East denting my fender and telling me to go fish bring me back to reality.
I'm sure it will be fine, it's just a bike and not even the King of the garage now that His Majesty the R3 moved in. I'd let a friend that has a bike back home use my number two so we could go cruising while he visits, sounds like fun. :)
For your own protection though, (we are only human) check to make sure your ass is covered for the big stuff. Look into your insurance now rather than later to see that he is covered to ride in this country, with his license, on YOUR insurance. Things like "what would his family do to you from back home" must be considered if the worst case scenario should occur.
We have a good riding buddy whom we have known many years and whom we know to be an excellent (and mature) rider. He can ride the Beast on request. Not sure we would be as willing with some one we had never met in person or ridden with. Our $.02.

We trudge on.
I have offered friends to ride my rocket. Ones I have ridden with years ago or even just recently. In all cases they have declined due to lack of self confidence or knowing they could possibly not handle such a large bike. Younger guys I don't ask. I was young once too! I wouldn't do well having a friend get messed up on my ride. Besides I got the last red one in the country.:D It boils down to the responsible ones wouldn't ask and the irresponsible would:rolleyes:.
Out of all the people I have met at the Rocket meets over the years I would not hesitate for one minute to let them ride my bike(except wild rooster I do not want ants in my pants) a great bunch of guys and girls. At the motels when we meet people walk in and out of everyones rooms no questions asked grabbing a cup of coffee or Willies wifes lovely pastries and nothing has ever gone missing.
Now after saying that MrScowherd does not get to go any where near my bike after 9pm but by that time he is usually horizontal any way.:D
I have a buddy in the Dallas area that offers (I don't ask) to put me on one of his bikes and we go riding. I think that's cool. I don't know that I think it's cool to ask someone if you can ride their bike, however. I have no problem with most folks I know riding one of my bikes and some have, but I don't think I'd like someone asking if they could ride one of them. I suppose it would just depend on the circumstances. In the context you're talking, I don't think I'd like it much.

Of course, Dave (Scot in Exile) likes to ride ***** on my bike and that's fine. And, if he denies it, well, let's just hope he remembers I have the picture to prove it. :D