Can a Rocket III take down the establishment, and rule this island


Today marks 3000 miles since the build.
Bike still running great.
I'm up to about 70% throttle now, rolled on with moderate aggression, and shifting at 6000rpm.

Things gonna get wild going up to 9000 and 100% throttle 😱
9000 noooooo please nooooo, dont hurt that beast, too much power, fir the love of mary dont. 🤷‍♂️ somebodys got to say it, the baddest rocket on the planet does not need to turn 9000🤯. Its goona take the island down at 8000 no problem. In 5th at 8000 youre gonna be in the twilight zone with no one in your mirror. Please dont destroy the baddest rocket, im gonna start a petition 😬 my heart cant take it.
Actually I need to find a way to share the progress with you guys.
Don't want to be posting videos of a speedo needle flying into triple digits on the internet with my name on it, I need to get a closed road or runway or something.

I've timed the 60-100mph time (on a private road!) at 3.7 sec, at only (a moderately rolled on) 60% throttle and limited to 6000rpm. Not really hitting boost yet.
For comparison, the stock bike takes around 5.7 - 6 sec, but at 100% throttle and hitting 6300rpm.
So anywho I've worked up to 6000rpm and 70% throttle at moderate aggression in roll on.
But tuning has ceased since early October as I've moved house (2 houses actually) and simply not had a minute.

But I'm gonna take a few weeks lols at Christmas, to do a few jobs in my new garage (I must post up a vid) including stripping down the SuperRocket.

● Hayabusa engine ticking and running rough at <3000rpm, need to strip it and fix
● Rocket pistons etc inspection now I've clocked up 3xxx miles since the build
● Rocket valve spring retainers replacement
● Rocket trans ship to Robinson for upgrade.. including the Triumph upgrades from like 2007

Then back together and ready to go tuning warp mode in the Spring.

Meanwhile here is a completely unrelated clip of a bike responding to a 360hp Benz attempting to roll race it in Mexico;

So anywho I've worked up to 6000rpm and 70% throttle at moderate aggression in roll on.
But tuning has ceased since early October as I've moved house (2 houses actually) and simply not had a minute.

But I'm gonna take a few weeks lols at Christmas, to do a few jobs in my new garage (I must post up a vid) including stripping down the SuperRocket.

● Hayabusa engine ticking and running rough at <3000rpm, need to strip it and fix
● Rocket pistons etc inspection now I've clocked up 3xxx miles since the build
● Rocket valve spring retainers replacement
● Rocket trans ship to Robinson for upgrade.. including the Triumph upgrades from like 2007

Then back together and ready to go tuning warp mode in the Spring.

Meanwhile here is a completely unrelated clip of a bike responding to a 360hp Benz attempting to roll race it in Mexico;

The motorcycle in question whatever whoever it is wanted to fly so effortlessly 😂😂😂😂 it was gonna take off like one of elons rockets. That thang is a beast.
Ok so I've started pulling the SuperRocket apart, throttles and rear wheel to come off tomorrow and I can lift the chassis off the engine.


Sump off (before removing & rolling engine over) and examination of screens


Debating whether to swap out the pistons for the even lower compression custom made ones I have here while in there.
Think I'll see what condition the ones in the engine are in and decide then.
Well it got even colder yesterday so work is slow.


Today the engine came out of the bike.
If you were quick enough, you could do a stoppie and take the engine out 🤭
Block being hoisted up onto a bench, will roll it over and get splitting the cases today.


Got another few minutes at this, hoisted engine up onto the bench.
Continued internal inspection, into the front of the engine.
Found something that is both good news and bad news...




I haven't seen a breakage here in a Rocket before.
Now the search begins for the missing tooth, and an upgrade for the timing gear.
