Can a Rocket III take down the establishment, and rule this island

Oops been a while since updating everyone here, the MCI were unable to secure insurance since so basically no motorcycle race events in the Republic this year, and possibly ever again :-(

In parallel, I suffered an electrical gremlin in the 5V circuit that was messing with my engine management, given all the sensors that are on the engine subharness on the 5V circuit.
This happened a few days before the dyno date, so I postponed it.
It was probably there a while giving me jip, but it got so bad at this point the bike wasn't running right at all.

Funny you could think you have a faulty primary TPS, but it turns out to be corrosion on the inside of the crimps in the engine subharness. On the outside they are clean and shiny, but inside they corroded somehow. Anyway it caused the voltage to dance around a lot, and when your mapping is very different at only say 0.72v to 0.95v, it makes things very erratic.

Anyway got that sorted and moved on with my life.

The stock MAP sensor is a "1 bar", but really more like 1.2 bar, in any case it don't work with boost.
Made an adapter, fitted the 2.5 Bar BMW MAP sensor to Triumph harness, setup PCV for pressure based tuning, and off I went.

Ever seen a Rocket idle at 340hPa?

Finally got some time (and weather..) the past few days to get out for some test & tune for low throttle positions i.e. 0 - 7%ish range where the L tables govern fuelling.
Good to get back out on the beast and have the new MAP working.
Some fine tuning now so it's smooth and gentle around the streets, and then we switch over to TPS based tuning and pulling timing too.

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Great patience and perseverance. Sorry there are no tracks to compete on.
Great patience and perseverance. Sorry there are no tracks to compete on.

There are a few tracks up north, several hours' drive away, that being part of the UK they managed to get insurance recently and can go ahead. I've not been to any of them, not sure how they work.

For this year now the goal is to get the bike fully tuned with all the bells & whistles e.g. traction control in operation, and use the Dragy to see what I can do in the quarter.

Been following this build and your posts with keen interest for a few years now. A run at the strip would be the "icing on the cake". Keep us posted along with pics/videos like you've always done. Much appreciated.
Sorry to hear you won't be able to run it head to head against the local competition.
Had to look up dragy. Looks like a pretty cool device that could give you some useful information.

On the other hand, since your bike is basically worthless without a 1/4 mile track, you might be able to talk me into buying it off you cheap!
When I was younger and into drag racing, we used to trailer or haul to track one to five hours away every weekend. Going to a track might be worth the effort, just to know where you are performance wise. I enjoy following your post and insights.
Thanks guys. The original plan was to see what I can do in the quarter on the Dragy, and if good enough then go to the race.
If I can do an 8.6 then that will win it. Last year a low 8.8 would have done it. 8.6 is that "track's" record from 2014.

Oops I did it again.
With the drag racing cancelled this year due to insurance (or lack thereof), I kind of took my foot off the gas a bit here, and caught up on other stuff the past few months in the little free time.
Car brakes needed replacing, both mine and hers, diff seals needed doing too, couple of engine services and oh yes I also rebuilt a Hayabusa engine with new rings.

Anywho, back out on the Rocket now with the 2.5 Bar MAP sensor riding around and making notes, making adjustments and repeat.
Running OK now in the very low throttle % positions, and done up as far as low 30% throttle - some video clips;

So the L tables are in a good place, now I move on to the F tables and large throttle positions
Have to wire in the 2nd knock monitor now.
Hopefully weather will be good this weekend.
Nice work on it all, interesting seeing how we tackled some similar issues in different ways. Unfortunate about the event being canceled, that is really a let down.

Bike looks very strong in the sections you crack it a good amount, it's going to be ...stupid fast when you're done

I hope the TC unit works for you, as long as it allows you to adjust slip allowance and proportion of fuel/spark cut based on slip rate it should suit quite well.

Kill times on the QS I found worked well were starting at 80 and finely adjusting from there. 100 was way too long and caused a big clunk, 60 was too short and led to failed engagements and bouncing dogs. Not sure if you back-cut the trans, but if not, I'd uh, avoid hitting the 1-2 on the QS and without the billet 4th I'd avoid the 3-4 on the QS also so you don't make 4th gear shrapnel.

Just an idea, maybe one of the dyno operators in the area will let you hire the dyno/operator and let you do the tuning, maybe chat up some of the local circuit racers and find out who they use. Those tuners are usually more flexible than the typical "Can you map my bike for the slipon" type guys.