Can a Roadster be converted into a "Touring"?

Those are Corbin Saddlebags. They only cost a Kidney and left lung to purchase. Highly desirable and sot after by the Rocket Community if you can afford them. The shield also is Corbin. Corbin Motorcycle Seats & Accessories | Triumph Rocket III | 800-538-7035

#T-R-3-BAGBeetle Bags, 2004 - 2019 Rocket III one color$2550
#T-R-3-BAG-BBeetle Bags, 2004 - 2019 Rocket III Two-Tone$2811
US prices plus shipping and exchange.... cough
Gregger is correct. All Corbin goodies. Fortunately 14 years ago when I purchased the bike new the Beetle Bags cost me $1250 and a year later when I purchased the Fleetliner Fairing it cost me $1175. Those prices were significantly discounted off the list prices at the time.
That's pretty retarded lol! The upgrades would pretty much cost me as much as the motorcycle itself

~ 2800 USD is about 3500 CAD, that's a quarter of what i've budgeted for my motorcycle purchase already. Looks like I might have to find someone who's selling a bike that's already upgraded with these things. Might take a while
Worth waiting for as these accessories don't add a lot to the used price.
I laughed in a guys face once, buying my daughter a car, he said he added $600 to book value because it had 4 new tires. I said no thanks, apparently he chased me about 15 miles, caught up to me at a stop sign, said okay to my offer. Hilarious
OK, no offense to anyone- we all prefer our particular setup, but I think the Roadster is a much more versatile bike because you CAN set it up to tour and you can strip it down to cause (or get into) trouble. I see the touring as, a touring bike, but there are some like Kevin on here who cause trouble anyway ;-). Here's mine two weekends ago. I'll be adding the big windshield any day now as it's getting colder. I average about 14K miles/year between backroads commuting, weekend joy rides, and much longer trips. I think the main thing to consider is riding position. The Roadster is more upright (aggressive) and the Touring is more reclined (relaxed). It's all good....