Cam cover gasket

@warp9.9 got it right. From the factory, with the engine not in the frame they screwed it up. Also, I was supprised to see the cover is just raw casting. Its not machined at all.
@warp9.9 got it right. From the factory, with the engine not in the frame they screwed it up. Also, I was supprised to see the cover is just raw casting. Its not machined at all.
Yes you can see how it got pinched off center which pulled rhe gasket in and well kind of a tear/cutt situation. But hey were back to drinking unproperly chilled beer for lunch good thing there not unionized or there would be a piss bucket load if excuses
I think using 10 Nm is the right choice. Use Paul's technique to tighten the bolts in steps. It seams the older bikes don't have this problem using 10 Nm. The newer bike using 12 Nm seam to be the bikes with problems. Remember the early Ramair filter bases had a bad compound that when over torqued they would split on the throttle body. Well it could be the same on the Valve cover gasket. 10 Nm is Ok but 12 Nm is enough to split some of them. I'll stick with 10 Nm. Just something to think about.
Can you show me 12 nm in the book as I never foind it. Its not a normal shanked bolt anyone wonder why the need for a oh say 25 or more % larger shank and top seales ???or are we oy concerned with not getting caught in our zipper ??????
Problem is a lot of torque wrenches are out of spec even new. I spent a few bucks for this one plus i get it calibrated every six months at work for free.
Problem is a lot of torque wrenches are out of spec even new. I spent a few bucks for this one plus i get it calibrated every six months at work for free.
Sheet dude the torque is only 7.38 ft lbs. 8.85 if you believe 12nm will keep your dumb arse from pinching the gasket at a lesser torque. How hard do you grab your dick?????
I took my time torqued in increments all the way around several times. That was at 25,000 miles. Now at over 42,000 still looks like it was installed yesterday. Must have done something right. No leaks either.