Cam cover gasket tear

Getting ready to reassemble. Looks like the gasket was applied crocked from the start.


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Well i do not know about all that but i would have checked the valve clearance at or around 20,000 or 25,000
:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Have 30,000 miles plus on my '06 Classic with no leaks and original gasket....knock on wood. Is that unusual? Am I due soon for a new gasket? If so, I will do as you say......unless I want to be beaten by you like a drum. :);)
Nope torque incorrect.

I wonder if failure to increase screw torque in small steps was my problem also. The gasket "crept" in one area, apparently stretching itself and eventually splitting. It stayed put in other areas. I wonder if lightly oiling the gasket would help it find its happy place...

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