Cam Cover Gasket (again)

Just what I know about the cam cover.First if you dont use any sealer apart from around the D Section lined up with the cams ,the cover will seal and be reusable several times until it perishes using the early type cam cover. Second if you turn the new type cover over and compare it to the older style you will see they are different in the way they hold the seal in place..I prefer to exchange the new type cover with the old type and have never had a problem with the gasket pushing out again.I work on many different Rockets and find this to be a sound method.
Yep, many changes between pre/post Roadster manual.

As Sonny mentions, it's not the torque that's critical it's the correct positioning of the gasket during install and getting it to sit flat so nothing is pinched/distorted while tightening.
Yep, many changes between pre/post Roadster manual.

As Sonny mentions, it's not the torque that's critical it's the correct positioning of the gasket during install and getting it to sit flat so nothing is pinched/distorted while tightening.

I agree, the bolts are shoulderd, you can tighten them until they snap off and they won't put any additional pressure on the gasket. I'm interested in Pedro's post. I have an 05' and am still using the factory installed gasket. That also means I have the old style cover. I didn't know they made a change to them, but maybe that is the cause of all the leakage problems ?
This reminds me of the "scandal" of the minivan transmissions -- back before the internet, one version of minivan was co-produced in Detroit and in Japan, and some enterprising people gathered failure data for the transmissions, and a pattern quickly emerged that transmissions from Detroit failed far more often than transmissions from Japan, even though made from the same drawings, and at some point, the data became a public story and owners and prospective buyers were demanding to have only the Japanese-made transmission.

Do we start a movement now -- convince Flipmeister to carry the old-style gaskets so those in the know, have those installed ?
I did notice on my last install, I would finger tighten the bolts and if there was any resistance, I would jiggle the bolt and or cam cover a little and then they would go much easier. I think part of the issue too is the holes in the gasket are a little off center and even though the gasket looks good, the little bit of side load from the pinch causes alot of the issues.

It's the cover that is different.
I wasn't very careful/super anal the first time and think that's why it only lasted a little over a year, paid close attention this time and noticed a few things. I also used a VERY light smear of quick drying rtv just to act as a tacking agent to ensure it laid flat and didn't move around prior to putting the cover in place, then went all the way around and inspected it before putting in the bolts to make sure no last minute adjustment were needed.