Cam Cover Gasket (again)

That's been an ongoing debate. The manual for my '17 clearly states 12 Nm, but after the first one leaked when I torqued to 12 (although it was partly because I did it with the throttle bodies still in place and it shifted on that side and on the #5 spark plug well, I did the last one to 10Nm.
I'd say 10 and if it leaks you can always go back and add the other 2
Seriously though if you tighten to 12 and it starts giving you a problem you can't go back and "uncrush" the rubber... although by the time it becomes an issue IF it becomes an issue, the rubber has already hardened a bit from the engine heat so we're back to the same question / issue...and I prefer the NIV translation.
I wonder it you can trace the gasket squeeze problem back to the torque specification change ? I have the old testament all three and well
No leaks
Perhaps that is a manual you wrote yourself ?

The manual at @idk 's signature on page 3.6 agrees with my manual, both of which say "tighten progressively to 12 Nm " [their emphasis]
My manual says 10 Nm my manual is #3852294 issue 1, 05.2004
Older manuals specify 10 NM. Later manuals specify 12 NM. Gasket thickness is all the same from beginning to the latest. So apparently Truimph changed the torque valve for other reasons. 10 or 12 NM on bolts i do not believe make much of a difference. Using new seals around the bolts and a new gasket torqued down EVENLY may be the key.