cam chain rattle

Yes it seems

The upgrade kit was fitted the reason the tensioner is so far in is there isomething some fault with the design so the chain is nearly maxed out even when new this might explain the rapid wear and why a new tensioner comes with a shim inclouded and a gauge to measure it anyhow I got most of my money back but still have the occasional rattle thanks for your input I
If they put new guide and chain in it it the drop is probably good but easy to check with a set of calipers. Like stated do not rotate the engine while the centre nut is out. But before you pull it put the bike in 2nd gear and rock the bike back and forward so the engine bumps both ways this will allow the tensioner to adjust before your take measurements.
A caliper it the way to go

tensioner  measurement.jpg

make sure you measure to the shoulder edge not down inside where the spring goes. 16 mm or more require a spacer which can be mad out of a 10 mm or 3/8 bolt shank .355" long. it fits in the spring hole and increases the tension on the spring.

Oh and it would not surprise me if your hearing the lifter piece rattle as the 06 had the older style with a smaller hear its not bad it just rattles a little more then the newer big headed style see the comparison below.

You never cease to amaze me warp !
Do you have all these comparison photos stored , or are you surrounded constantly with a large selection of rocket pieces ?
Any question that pops up , you happen to have the component in hand or a measurement comparison nearby .
Awesome ! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
can you change both tensioner blade and chain guide from the front

Yes both guides. Tensioner can be changed from the front with the cam cover off. You can also do the chain but you need to pull the damper bolt in the front. When you change guides from the front you half to hold your face straight to feed it up in there but it will go. I've done it myself. But the first thing one should do is measure the drop on the tensioner plunger.
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