Buzzy's Revival: 1982 XS650SJ Heritage Special

After much consideration, I have ordered the Tarozzi fork braces. They will arrive in a few days and I will post once they are on the bike.

I had a dream (or was it just a vision?) of your humble 650 with Rizoma hand and rear set controls, Cafe Racer bars 'n body work!
I had a dream (or was it just a vision?) of your humble 650 with Rizoma hand and rear set controls, Cafe Racer bars 'n body work!
I have a lot of pressure from several folks to do that. They obviously forget my fat gut and sore back would never agree to such a mod, though they are cool looking.
Well POOP!

When it fell, it hit Pretty Pillion's car door to which she is none to happy. She reminded me that I have done more damage to her 2008 Hyundai than she has since new. I went to move Buzzy to the parking spot next to where it fell; this would put it slightly down hill. I would then move her car to the spot where I park the bikes. When I tried to move Buzzy, I realize it is in gear. Well dud, it must have been knock into gear during the tip over. Yep, that was it and... the shift lever is now pushed in to the header pipe. Poop again!!!

I think I can bend it back correctly. Should I try it on the bike or take it off to bend it?

On a happy note, the clutch lever arrived tonight as did the new grommets, EBC brake pads, Fork oil, engine oil and fork brace. Now if I can just figure out how to keep the sunlight around a few more hours...
You are one level headed guy. I admire your patience as it is a virtue. I wish I had your Zen. If that happened to me I would have found a way to pick the bike up and toss it down the street while lighting up the neighborhood with four letter words. You ding your wife's car and drop the bike damaging the shifter. Buzzy is fuc**g with you. Teach it a lesson.
That shift lever won't take a lot of bending without resulting in work hardening. If you have a torch heat it up to anneal it and then apply straightening torque. The rubber should come off before you hit it with heat otherwise it could be another purchase opportunity. If memory serves there are 2 oil filters on the XS, one under the engine and one on the side. Most people only get the small side filter and forget the big sump filter under the bike.

I do plan to swap the lower oil filter with the sump conversion with the spin on filter. This will replace the horrible paper filter you have pictured and I read that it will also alleviate the need for the side screen completely.
Two steps forward, one step back.
First task was to fix the bent shift lever. I noticed the lever was leaking some oil...

It came off fairly easy though. I see quite a bit of wrong way bend here.

A little gentle persuasion with a two pound ball ping is in order.

Nice and straight now; mostly.

Straight doesn't work, needs more persuasion.

Awe yes then, ugly I admit but it does function with this improvised shape.