Special wishes to Nat67

He's got 4 weeks of pureed food an 2 weeks of mashed :sleep: but anything is better than a nasty old tumor I won't go onto much as everyone else has problems health problems , inconveniences ... But he's all right and life begins now...and I sure am gonna make it worth his while ;););)
He's got 4 weeks of pureed food an 2 weeks of mashed :sleep: but anything is better than a nasty old tumor I won't go onto much as everyone else has problems health problems , inconveniences ... But he's all right and life begins now...and I sure am gonna make it worth his while ;););)

Youra Angel
Great to hear and with 6 weeks of pickle juice in every meal he should become a superhuman Pickleman

Give Nat my best wishe and hope he has a speedy recovery. I suppose we should all be grateful it has been nothing too serious. Can you imagine the worry and stress we would all have endured had it been something as dangerous as 'Man Flu;??
Good God, man!. Must you tempt fate?. Man Flu is horribly contagious. It can spread over the telephone and un-sanitised data lines. Even the mention of it can strike down the old and weak.

Never mind silly old gerkins - I recommend medicinal doses of Scrumpy & Orange Juice.
Roast Pork (with stuffing and apple sauce) Sandwiches.
Tikka Biryhani (it leaves a hand free for steadying the cider glass)