Getting accustomed to any new bike is a learning curve for us all, or maybe just me.
It is below freezing this morning thus I expect Buzzy is not going to be happy with starting.
After a few tries though, he kicks to life and settles into a nice idle. I turn away to stow the cover and to my surprise, I hear a crash behind me. The kickstand has somehow given way to gravity and Buzzy fell upon his left side. (On a side note (see what I did there?) the bike dies when laying on its side after about 5 seconds...)
Luckily, I am able to lift said dead machine back to its upright state. Unluckily, I find the clutch lever is broken.
Back on the lucky side. Brahma said he would pull Buzzy's load today and I made it to work without further issue. Now, where to get a replacement lever?