Broken bolt in block under throttle body adapter - what now ?

Couple of years back a triumph tech sheared a rear shock mounting bolt on my R3...given this was done in the course of work i had commissioned it was extracted at my expense. Apparently it costs AUD200 to extract a bolt...took nearly and hour and half to remove and tap. The dealer and I had a chat about inspecting the torque wrench that was used to tighten the bolt, suddenly the labor cost was removed and i only had to pay for the new bolt - AUD 5....????
I used to beat my ex girlfriends Ford Mavrick even if it wasn't the one giving me grief. Once I even shot it with my pistol. I'm a much calmer person in my advancing age.
did the same thing with one of our home computers would not listen so I took it to backyard and shot it
i finally read this and see that u have received excellent advice. congrats on removing the broken bolt.
the only thing that has not been covered is.
when i replace bolts i take the new bolt and the old bolt and match the threads by laying the thread of one into the thread of the other. should match perfect if not u could have the wrong thread.
i would also try each of them in the hole to make sure they go in by hand.
Okay. this is an old thread, but I just broke two sump bolts. Same size as Paul's Throttle body one.
I've read this thread twice through and still wonder if I should try and get the stumps out myself or just take it to a Triumph shop.
Here's what I have: Two broke, and one that's still good.

The broken ones are at the front right side of the engine. I'm not about to take the whole sump plate off. No way. Although it seems that the bolts broke off before hitting the threads in the main block.

The killer is, it's at the bottom of the engine, and I'd have to do everything upside down, and on my back.
There's 21 of these bolts and the two sheared at less that 12 Nm. A third felt like it was about to snap, so I stopped there. I'll need to find replacement bolts (8mm flange bolts) and am thinking stainless steel ones if I can find them.

Would it hurt to use a bolt with a washer, or should I stick to OEM? And where to get them?
Also, if I decide to take it to a shop, would it hurt to ride the bike 60 miles without blowing oil through the gasket? I don't know if there's pressure or not down there.

Well, this is a start. Might have to start a new thread if not too many experts on here notice this old one.

Posted a bit earlier here:
first idea
take a pencil and put the eraser part up in there and see if u can turn the broken bolt out(assuming it will fit)

ps if u r breaking bolts i would not use that much toque.
I would just drop the sump. Hopefully the broken bolt is not flush or below flush with the block.

Regarding riding with the broken bolts, I think you’d be ok.