Broken bolt in block under throttle body adapter - what now ?

I use bushings for reloading -- but they're all one size. I don't know about bushings that would fit arbitrary holes. I completely understand the concept, just don't know how to implement it (where to obtain said bushing). Suggestion ? Lend me one ?

And by the way, I'm ordering all new bolts -- just don't trust these.
Well, you could buy a set of drill bushings.....or just have a local machinist make one.....
OK Paul . You have gotten a bunch of good advice and like @Nat67 said this is NOT a huge issue . Take a deep breath ,you can get it sorted . First thing first; if the bolt wasn't cross threaded, before punching and drilling. Get a good sharp straight seal pick or one of the little eye glasses screw drivers and try to back the bolt out with it. Start with the LEAST drastic approach first. Next step if necessary is the left handed drill bit. Small to large , if no joy , then it is extractor time.... etc. Or you could find a Mexican restaurant that has Menudo and bribe Warpo to come and visit .
Well, 'easy-peasy' wins the day.

I removed the throttle body adapter, and suspect corrosion weakened the bolt as that is where it broke.

Once removed, I tried my 1/16" left hand drill bit, and the bolt moved a tad -- so wasn't in there hard.

The bolt is apparently harder than the drill, or in any case, the drill was making little headway, though I kept at it.

By and bye, the bolt moved a little more. I then got out my needle nose pliers, and had the bolt another turn, and with that, was able to remove it with my fingers.

As mentioned elsewhere, I can't trust any of those bolts now, and have ordered a new set.

I don't know which ones I have, but I note on the Hermy's site they list "silver" and "stainless steel" as options, so I ordered the stainless set.

Thanks again to everyone who chimed in. I'm recording these inputs for future use. Thank you for passing it along.
Paul, first of all other then wondering why you removed the rubber type throttle body manifolds (for lack of better name) I want to make sure we are on the same page. You should have l
run a tap thru the holes to make sure there is nothing buggering the bolt up..they should not twist off. really you should not even be taking them loose only the rubber hose clamps under each throttle body. Rubber plenums/manifolds should stay in place
Again @warp9.9 Scott you know better than Triumph.

I had my manual open to Section 3 Head (also against your advice -- I was too much in a hurry to make copies) and the instructions say to remove the throttle bodies followed by the adapters (the rubber thingies). Presumably this last is so one avails oneself of the opportunity when one would otherwise not do it, to renew the seals under the adapter bases (almost identical to the seal under the water pump cover - also just replaced).

And this is yet another "Doh, I shudda hadda V-8" moment with the tap. Will do that for all the holes.