Bringing the front tire up.

I used to spend so much time in the air with my old Seca 750, I shelled 2nd gear over time from shifting it on one wheel. The main purpose of going with a cruiser was to stop the dangerous habit and settle down some. I figgured that if I had a big heavy bike I'd stop doing stupid **** and grow up. Of course since I can never leave well enough alone, I did performance modifications for more power. Prior to the GiPro, PCIII, secondaries, TOR's and triples, keeping the front wheel on the ground was no problem. But of course now, yanking the front wheel off the ground is effortless and I'm back to my old ways. None of my old bikes would wheelie with just the throttle alone, it took clutch and RPM's. This monster does it by just rolling on the throttle harder than usual.

I haven't gotten into serious trouble over it yet, but have been issued three warnings for wheelies. They would have all been tickets if I had been riding a sport bike, but the cops were all so amazed to see a cruizer with bags and windscreen on one wheel they wanted to talk about the bike more than write a ticket.

Though sometimes I'm tempted, I don't shift this bike since the last one suffered damage from it. So I stick to 1st gear.
On ocasion I have a sport bike or V-rods come up on me at highway speeds spunking around showing off. I try to keep the wheels on the ground and for the most part I do. My favorite thing to do to give them something to think about is downshift into 3rd at 65 and roast the tire for about 30 yards. Then its back into 5th and I slide over close and while motioning to them I yell go ahead I will catch you:evil:. Once and a while they try so I let them have the lead so I can pull up behind them and let them hear the whistle as the blower spools up to atleast 8 to 10 psi and then I spank the throttle hard to at least 15psi on the boost gauge and hit the next gear I have been told I look like a carboard cut out and well then I am gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank god for a drivers back rest I hate riding on the passenger seat:D
Now thats what I am talking about!!! Maybe one of these days there will be a super charger in my future. Until then I will have to be happy with what I got and dream of what will be.

Big T
only once. that was enough. lifted the front end right up... it took 20 / 30 feet to safely put it back on the ground... where, in my humble opinion... I prefer to keep it. Didn't hurt the bike, but had to replace the panties.... :eek:

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Pig9r, Are you running a car tire or a M/C tire? I can see getting the ass end to come out on you with a M/C tire, thats one of the reasons I went to a C/T.
I hadn't had my Boss Hoss for about a year and on day out on a ride with some buddies, we came up one a pickup driving to slow on a 2 lane. A couple of bikes went around and I had to wait for traffic to clear. I started around the truck and when I got along side the truck I seen it was a guy I knew. So what did I do, yep, I nailed it to show off while running about 50 mph. When the back 2 barrels opened up, the ass end broke lose and the next thing I knew the bike had jumped side ways with me. I was totally not ready for that and I let off the throttle too fast. When I did the bike stood back up in a hard and sudden manner and procceded to go into a wobble. I rode it out but needless to say I was shaken to say the least.:eek:
After that little incident, I made plans to go to the C/T. The following spring I totally redone the bike with new tins and paint and 18" wheels and tires with a nice big beefy C/T. From then on, when I nailed it and the tire broke lose, it would leave a nice "straight' long black mark. No more jumping out from under me and getting all squirrly. It has been darkside for me ever since.

By the way. What does your wife do when you bring the front end up with her on the bike? I had the wife with me once and ran the Boss up to about 120. She started yelling, slow this thing down, about that time, I started feeling this sharp pain in my side as she commenced to beat the **** out of my kidney. Needles to say I learned my lesson. Oh did I mention that the wife rarley goes for a ride with me, Humm, I wonder why.:cool:

Big T

I am running the Metz. I'm too much a purist to change to a CT. However, it doesn't take long for me to square the Metz. BTW does a CT squeal

My wife doesn't ride much with me anymore after we started having kids. She used to ride with me on my Speed Triple and it was easy to lift the front wheel solo. She usually would grab a handful of lovehandle to get her point across. On the Rocket when her brothers come into town I usually have to give them a ride. They don't complain about my riding style.
only once. that was enough. lifted the front end right up... it took 20 / 30 feet to safely put it back on the ground... where, in my humble opinion... I prefer to keep it. Didn't hurt the bike, but had to replace the panties.... :eek:


I'm with you except maybe the panties part! ;)
when you get down to it if you don't stay into it and ease it down its a hard impact on the fork springs and seals. I say rubber on the ground and away you go!!!!!
Eventhough this is an old thread, this is what I have learned about getting the front wheel up.... I have found two methods wat work well. The easiest way is to slowly accellerate to about 1500 or 2K and then "burp" the throttle. When the front end sags hit the throttle (easily) and the front end will come up without breaking the tire loose. The transfer of weight helps the rear stay locked.

The second (and spookiest) is to tack her up to 3K and then roll on pretty hard. Be ready! It will most likely come up unless you give it too much and break the tire loose. I have found this method is more reliable and controllable (but spookier and funner).
Don't try to do weelstands anymore reflex's not as good as they were 25 years ago but my R3R has carried the front about 6 inches off the ground all the way in 1st a few times.