Bringing the front tire up.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I am over 60 and I get more and more apprehensive every time I anticipate any aerial exhibitions. But there is nothing more fulfilling that going past a herd of Hardley riders on the back wheel. I'm sure I'll pay for it at some point.
playing around with different unes and AFR Tables took the bike for a ride and as I left a friends house gave her bit of stick ..... nearly Flipped her:eek:. yup I think that tune AFR combo works good:D
I've never been able to lift the front tire on the R3, the bikes weight combined with mine is probably why. :rolleyes: If your into that sort of thing take the BMW GTL 1600 for a test ride. I started off kinda slow till i got the feel for the bike. After awhile i started riding it like the R3, I couldn't stop the front tire from coming off the road. This bike is unbelievable..someday when i find someone willing to sell it for much less than $26K i'll add it to my collection..

i didn't think it'd be possible to get the front end of my 08 classic to come off the pavement. boy was i wrong. in first gear, slowing down and the front suspension compressed, as soon as the forks started coming back up i gassed on the motor. yeah, it sure will pick up the front end. it actually surprised me. hi terry, hope all is going well, we're having some great weather for riding this winter.

I have had the front sooo light that the front tire danced across the pavement on a hard first gear roll-on. It surprised me and the group of HD people that were watching. This was on clean concrete; not asphalt. It may not have been fully off, but definitely at the end of the front suspension.
I think that bikes wheelie easier for heavy guys than lighter ones. All the weight is high and the rear wheel tends to rotate around the mass. With a passenger it is much easier to lift the front wheel though less advisable.
I think that bikes wheelie easier for heavy Wristed guys that lighter ones. All the weight is high and the rear wheel tends to rotate around the mass. With a passenger it is much easier to lift the front wheel though less advisable.
More to the Point I aint Heavy but my wrist can be:D