Bringing the front tire up.

If your question was for me. It was strictly a bike night. I ran again Busa's, gixr's, zx-14's and other various makes. One guy had a Vrod with a ton of custom **** on it. he waited letting people go ahead of him just so he could line up with me. Anyway he got so pissed off he put the bike on the trailer and left after one race. Funny thing was I messed up on the light with a reaction tim of almost 2 seconds and yet ate him up before mid track. Boost makes up for mistakes :D

Art told me about that guy with the vrod. Watch out for him! He is the type that creates statistics. A person should not to be discounted when they makes verbal threats. Art said there there were V twin's out there with thousands and thousands of dollars worth of hp improvements but you kicked all there asses. You go! My SC is here sitting in a box on the floor in my living room. Will be installing it as soon as it warms up a little. (23 degrees f this morning) Won't be as badass as yours but will be badass with the present hp improvements already done. Should be over 250 according to Art. The picture of your wheelie makes me squirm. I can't wait. It sucks if it ain't blown.:D
Ok, How many Captains out there are able to carry your front tire all the way thru 1st gear? I guess what I mean is, do all the Rocket III's have the ability to just let out on the clutch and at a 15 or 20 mph, just roll into the throttle and bring the front tire up and carry it thru 1st gear? And I'm 6' 4" and 320 lbs. or so. Just think if I was a little guy at 200 lbs. The dam thing would probably come over on me. :eek:

I gotta tell ya, the more I play with this bike the more I like it. The bike came with Jar's and the only thing I have done to it is removed the secondaries, installed the GIPro ATRE, and now have just installed the P/C 3. I also went over to the darkside of course. I will probably take her to a dyno come spring just to see what she is really putting out.

You know I loved my 385 hp Boss Hoss with the 100 hp shot of juice and it was pretty cool to be rolling along at 60 mph and crank it and leave a 200 ft. black strip down the hiway. But it was too heavy to get the front tire in the air. This wheelie thing is pretty cool. Maybe one day I will be able to bring it up and carry it like the guy on the Roadster video. Now how cool would that be to see this big ol bagger do that. :evil: I will probably have to replace the fork seals a couple of times before that happens.:D

Big T

The Rocket I test rode at the dealership had tors on it, and must have had the secondaries removed, because it wheelied easily. (wonder if they put them back in when someone bought it ?) Any, when I flew to Texas to pick mine up (an Ebay special) I thought I got a dog, cause it wouldn't wheelie at all bone stock. Now with Maddogs, cat delete, triple K&N's, secondaries removed and a good program, it wheelies very easy now in 1st. I used to shift in the air years ago, but I'm not willing to wreck the bike or myself anymore. I agree it would be fun to do some long wheelies again.
I just noticed the leathers/firesuit Warp is wearing. That denim must be a new option from suppliers. I am surprised they let you run, Warp!
I just noticed the leathers/firesuit Warp is wearing. That denim must be a new option from suppliers. I am surprised they let you run, Warp!
Yes thats what I started with then they made me switch to leathers.

I should have started with them but hey I was lazy :D
Front wheel control

I have popped the front wheel but never ben able to hold it up.. (No the Front Wheel)

Whats the trick or secret and how do you keep it in a straight line?

I wanna try but need a little more understanding on velocity, trajectory and the all important recovery skill :D
I have popped the front wheel but never ben able to hold it up.. (No the Front Wheel)

Whats the trick or secret and how do you keep it in a straight line?

I wanna try but need a little more understanding on velocity, trajectory and the all important recovery skill :D

As long as it's straight to the road when you bring it up it will travel pretty straight all by itself. First gear winds out pretty quick so your not really traveling a great distance. Your best bet for not going on your arse is to keep your foot at the ready on the rear brake. You won't make any friends with your fork seals, but it beats the hell out of a "get off" :eek:
As long as it's straight to the road when you bring it up it will travel pretty straight all by itself. First gear winds out pretty quick so your not really traveling a great distance. Your best bet for not going on your arse is to keep your foot at the ready on the rear brake. You won't make any friends with your fork seals, but it beats the hell out of a "get off" :eek:

Thanks just learned something..rear brake, got it :)