Bringing the front tire up.

Believe me Robert, you're not getting old. I'm 62 and been riding since I was 14. I've lifted the front wheel of all manner of bikes, but with the R3T all I seem to do is break the rear tire loose. Probably has something to do with that 180 rear tire.

Of course I haven't tried yanking the throttle wide open at 10-15 mph though. On most bikes I've had in recent years that would certainly bring the front wheel skyward. I wouldn't be too concerned about the 750 lb beast coming up, but coming down is another story....

Harry, I can tell you what will happen. There was a pack of us getting ready to leave a biker hangout last year and I was getting my gear on. Well, my Harley riding friends don't wear riding gear. Thus, they give the "do" rag a quick straightening up and leave. I said to myself "Oh well, I'll catch them. After all, I'm on a Rocket and they're on potato bikes". As soon as I pulled out and *thought* I had the bike straightened up, I gunned it. That was the first time I had ever gunned my Rocket. It broke traction and got real squirly. I had to feather the throttle so the rear wouldn't catch and toss me over. As it started to straighten up, I kicked into second gear (thinking I had recovered) and gunned it again. It broke loose again, but I was ready this time. That bastige was still spinning until midway through third. That was impressive. That was my first and only time of unleashing the beast, so to speak. The Rockets (Touring included) are appropriately named. ;)
Harry, I can tell you what will happen. There was a pack of us getting ready to leave a biker hangout last year and I was getting my gear on. Well, my Harley riding friends don't wear riding gear. Thus, they give the "do" rag a quick straightening up and leave. I said to myself "Oh well, I'll catch them. After all, I'm on a Rocket and they're on potato bikes". As soon as I pulled out and *thought* I had the bike straightened up, I gunned it. That was the first time I had ever gunned my Rocket. It broke traction and got real squirly. I had to feather the throttle so the rear wouldn't catch and toss me over. As it started to straighten up, I kicked into second gear (thinking I had recovered) and gunned it again. It broke loose again, but I was ready this time. That bastige was still spinning until midway through third. That was impressive. That was my first and only time of unleashing the beast, so to speak. The Rockets (Touring included) are appropriately named. ;)

What kind of mods are you running on your R3T?
I always feel like a little kid in these threads, only being 30 and 160 lbs.
I've cracked it open off the line a few times, usually when there are kids on ******rockets being idiots that need to be educated on the meaning of "torque." I've had the rear get squirly once or twice, but I have never had the front lift on me.

I'm not entirely sure if I'm happy about that or if I feel like I'm missing something.
I can't say for sure that my front wheel actually came off the ground when I hit 2nd but it sure felt like it. Maybe it had something to do with the texture of the road or something. I haven't tried to get the back tire to spin and not sure I ever will. Maybe if I keep reading some of the things you others are doing I will become brave enough some day and thats probably not a good thing.
Nev says I'm running ~160HP with my mods. I can say, touch is most important with respect to lighting up the rear wheel or raising the front wheel. Using the clutch is out of the question unless smoking the rear tire is the desired effect.
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That is the part that I am working on, throttle control. With the car tire, I am afraid to use the clutch for fear of bringing it up too far and too fast to control. Practice, makes perfect.
I can't always get the front wheel up, most of the time the rear end breaks loose. I love goosing it around corners and sliding the rear out a bit. Now two up, I can get the front wheel to go up in first and second gear with just a roll on.
Pig9r, Are you running a car tire or a M/C tire? I can see getting the ass end to come out on you with a M/C tire, thats one of the reasons I went to a C/T.
I hadn't had my Boss Hoss for about a year and on day out on a ride with some buddies, we came up one a pickup driving to slow on a 2 lane. A couple of bikes went around and I had to wait for traffic to clear. I started around the truck and when I got along side the truck I seen it was a guy I knew. So what did I do, yep, I nailed it to show off while running about 50 mph. When the back 2 barrels opened up, the ass end broke lose and the next thing I knew the bike had jumped side ways with me. I was totally not ready for that and I let off the throttle too fast. When I did the bike stood back up in a hard and sudden manner and procceded to go into a wobble. I rode it out but needless to say I was shaken to say the least.:eek:
After that little incident, I made plans to go to the C/T. The following spring I totally redone the bike with new tins and paint and 18" wheels and tires with a nice big beefy C/T. From then on, when I nailed it and the tire broke lose, it would leave a nice "straight' long black mark. No more jumping out from under me and getting all squirrly. It has been darkside for me ever since.

By the way. What does your wife do when you bring the front end up with her on the bike? I had the wife with me once and ran the Boss up to about 120. She started yelling, slow this thing down, about that time, I started feeling this sharp pain in my side as she commenced to beat the **** out of my kidney. Needles to say I learned my lesson. Oh did I mention that the wife rarley goes for a ride with me, Humm, I wonder why.:cool:

Big T
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I never use the clutch,
just roll on the throttle.
The first time or two it was unintended.
Just trying for a quick take off from a rolling start.
Now its just for kicks and to show the potatoe bikers what
she'll do with a little coaxing;)....