Harry, I can tell you what will happen. There was a pack of us getting ready to leave a biker hangout last year and I was getting my gear on. Well, my Harley riding friends don't wear riding gear. Thus, they give the "do" rag a quick straightening up and leave. I said to myself "Oh well, I'll catch them. After all, I'm on a Rocket and they're on potato bikes". As soon as I pulled out and *thought* I had the bike straightened up, I gunned it. That was the first time I had ever gunned my Rocket. It broke traction and got real squirly. I had to feather the throttle so the rear wouldn't catch and toss me over. As it started to straighten up, I kicked into second gear (thinking I had recovered) and gunned it again. It broke loose again, but I was ready this time. That bastige was still spinning until midway through third. That was impressive. That was my first and only time of unleashing the beast, so to speak. The Rockets (Touring included) are appropriately named.