Brake bleeder recommendation

A bleeder is not necessary with the Speed Bleeders.
There is a $10 bag with hose available from Amazon. Plug onto the bleeder and pump the brakes - a one man show!
I'm trying to learn exactly what thread size bleeder is appropriate for our Rockets?

That’s the ones I used, they are under the triumph rocket 3 sub category on his site.

Finally the answer I was seeking.
8mmX1.125 thread size
Just FUI -
I found them less expensive and faster delivery on Amazon at $14 for two, including the shipping.
With the Speedbleeders, what stops air from getting into the system when you install them?

For my ABS hardlys there is no problem as long as you don't introduce air get M/C and ABS unit. As long as you don't squeeze brake handle or lollygag when changing bleeders you shouldn't get too much air in area that will cause problems. It will be downstream of ABS unit.

One other thing I did on the hardlys was to drive on some gravel and activate abs several times after bleeding brakes to get clean fluid in ABS valving

I have no direct experience with R3 ABS as I own a 06.