Bought my first Triumph ever... an '07 Rocket 3 with 100k on it and charging issues!

Yeah, I was also a little uncomfortable getting to the 120 Nm torque on the rotor bolt, but I figured that one was pretty critical. I was so glad when it finally clicked I don't usually have a real manual at hand when making repairs like this, but I figured I'd try to make all the "correct" torques.

That torque on the rotor was freaking me out to.
The last few threads felt like it was going to strip.
Also I'm convinced this motor has been out at least once before, though I'm not sure why. Probably unsurprising at 100k miles. Maybe it had a trans update done? I found some markings like an "H" next to the cover screw where the hose guide goes and there was loctite on things like the engine adjusters that isn't called for in the manual.
You can use some exhaust pipe silicone on the gaskets to help seal them up.
If you do end up replacing the detent spring, don't grab it with needle nose pliers. There's a theory that is what they were doing on the assembly line. Pliers make a nick in the spring, then they fail in that spot. You'll want to take stiff wire and bend a hook on the end, and use that to gently stretch the spring into position.
Took the front cover off. I'm no expert, but I'd say this bike had a clutch not too long ago. The clutch plates are mint, and measure 3.80-3.81 at various random spots.

The lifter arm also looks almost brand new. No signs of impending failure.

Is this the updated clutch lifter? Anything to be concerned about here? It's got some very light scoring/wear visually, but nothing you can feel.

Pump drive chain is sloppy, but can't touch to case so I assume that's ok.

Is there a how-to on checking the cam chain adjuster to see if it needs that spacer added? Also is it ok to reuse the nut/washer on the clutch basket? Manual says replace, but I think several people on here who've done it before have reused it?
EDIT - Yes it appears this engine was updated at some point to the newer clutch parts. It has the ball-bearing pressure plate and the last version of the lifter. It's engine number 330XXX so it definitely wasn't born with this clutch. Someone must have taken good care of this thing at one time.
Reuse nut/washer
I am not near a book but will give it a try
Take the timing cap off (front upper right side) spring loaded measure the depth outter case to outer part of the plunger if more than 24mm then u. Add a spacer i think 10mm on inside of spring. I used a 3/8 steel ball just to increase tension.
I yhink 24mm u need to replace parts
Do not know the depth u add spacer.
Someone will tell u correct me
Detent spring replaced. The one I removed actually fit around the shaft better (and I tried the new one all 4 ways) but since I don't know how old it was I figured the new spring was better than the old anyway.

Not pictured is the fact that I also got the swingarm and bevel box back on. Also the floorboards (including repairing one stripped bolt hole). I had to leave off the crash bars the bike came with. It seems to have had a low-speed tipover at one point and one guard was bent and would not go back on properly.
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