Okay, so first thing I did today was pull plugs on 1, 4 & 6. Poured a bit of oil down each hole. Let it sit for 4 hours while I drove to town for my kids lacrosse game. Got back and did another compression test. Numbers up but still not good @ 120/70/120. Start directing my focus to the fuel system. Did a bunch of reading. Decided to check out the fall detection sensor, unplugged it and plugged it back in. Before i started digging in to the fuel system to deep I decided to just try some ether. Short blast into each throttle body. Bike fires up and
RUNS. I was excited but expected it to die right away. It didn't. Kept running, i crank the throttle a few times. I decide to let the neighbors know the bike is running , so I crank it harder a few more times!!!
Then I remember I don't have any coolant in the bike

and I shut it off with the kill switch.
Super pumped. The wife comes out to the garage and I go full show and tell. Try and start it normally........nothing. Spray a bit more ether in there, nothing. SON OF A....... !!!!!!!
Run codes again now that it has run for a bit. P1632 - Fall detection switch voltage
Cleared it. Super weird that it ran but then tripped that somehow again.
Its late and I already sent a message to the neighbors. Tomorrow is going to be a great day, I can feel it.