Top Fuel
I assuming the U.S. has the same scenario. Due to our climate and road construction methods, we add more axles to displace the weight per axle. More axles, heavier loads while remaining within the weight limits. Now in Canada, when spring comes and the ground is thawing,we have a large percentage of roads that have half load restrictions until the thaw is complete. Major routes and highways where the road has been more heavily constructed remain full load year round. It's always an issue if you have a jobsite on a half load road to get your material in or out before, then after half loads are lifted. Up here, we see less and less dump trailers now, everybody is opting to live bottom trailers, no chance of one of those going over , doesn't interfere with overhead wires....or bridges ( yes I have seen it happenone thing always amazes me is the number of bogie wheel trailers in the US where here in OZ tri axle configuration is the norm