boss hoss revisited

Fingers and Ken, no wonder I find you guys in the Boss Hoss thread. TRUCK DRIVERS. We are like little kids, we like big toys. I also drove most of my life. I would love an old B model Mack all restored. First truck I ever drove was a 48 Sterling with a 220 and of course twin boxes. All of the trucks I drove when I started had two boxes, most were a 5 and a 3, the later ones were 4 and 4, and one I had with a 6 and 4. The new 18 speed trannys are the best in the construction trucking. I started in 1967. I've always had at least one truck and still do today. Here is a picture of my 1997 KENWORTH that I bought new in 97, I was 55 years old then and knew I was crazy but I drove it until 7 months ago. I ran the trucking end of a big company here in Las Vegas for 20 years but finally retired. The truck still works every day for the same company. I had many different types of income in my life but life before coming to Las Vegas but I always had trucks, they are like bikes, they are in your blood.
I have always been inspired by guys like you that have made more of themselves than the norm. I was raised on a share cropper Tobacco farm. We did not have indoor pluming until I was almost 16. I made it out of high school, went into the service ( no choice) drafted. Got home started work as an electricians helper. Spent the next 44 yrs. working on concrete floors in the Industrial Maintenance field, the last 17 yrs. in upper management. So I spent my entire life making other people or company's rich. I have worked on everything from a pallet jack to CNC's, EDM's and CO2 metal cutting lasers.

I have smoked since I was 5, now it has killed me. I do not blame anyone but myself. I have 2 M/C's in my storage container now and they are not worth selling. Can't get anything for either of them, even thought of parting them out. But now I am not physically able to do that either. 2001 K1200 LTC BMW with $ 1000's of added goodies and a 2005 Rocket III with a bunch of goodies also.

Right now I would say my bucket list is about 98% complete.

But...Now my life as I know it SUCKS..........Again No one to blame except me

Got a Doctor's app. next week going to see if they can figure why I am having so much trouble walking 300 feet or standing for 10 min.
From the waist up I feel like I am 40. My hips and legs are making me miserable, I live on Oxycodone and Dr. Peppers

I love it how a lot of you started with nothing and made it good.
You will Always be my true Hero's
HEY Ive been having back problems also Ive been seeing several doctors and doing physical therapy and is getting better so dont give up get out there and fix it
I n OZ we called the 2nd box a joey box like the baby Kangaroo attached to Mum ,I had an International loadstar with a GM 2 stroke Diesel (screaming Jimmy) with a 5 and 3 and could make music with that sweet sounding engine going through the 15 gears, one thing always amazes me is the number of bogie wheel trailers in the US where here in OZ tri axle configuration is the norm


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Yeah we used to call 2-stroke Detroit's as Yamaha's they were runners if you kept them wound up.
I n OZ we called the 2nd box a joey box like the baby Kangaroo attached to Mum ,I had an International loadstar with a GM 2 stroke Diesel (screaming Jimmy) with a 5 and 3 and could make music with that sweet sounding engine going through the 15 gears, one thing always amazes me is the number of bogie wheel trailers in the US where here in OZ tri axle configuration is the norm
Here the 2nd box is called the Brownie. I also drove a 53 GMC three axle tractor with a screaming jimmy in it. It had 6/71 blower and of course they were 2 cycle diesels. They were even a little less power than a 220 as far as torque was concerned. The Kenworth I still own today has a 550 CAT 3606E in it and an 18 speed FULLER. It was a natural transition for me to the Boss Hoss, its just a Kenworth with less wheels LOL
If I ever do I will for sure ,I have spent the best part of my life working and roaming around this great country that I love and still haven't seen it all yet, but if I ever venture over that way I will let you know:thumbsup: