I have always been inspired by guys like you that have made more of themselves than the norm. I was raised on a share cropper Tobacco farm. We did not have indoor pluming until I was almost 16. I made it out of high school, went into the service ( no choice) drafted. Got home started work as an electricians helper. Spent the next 44 yrs. working on concrete floors in the Industrial Maintenance field, the last 17 yrs. in upper management. So I spent my entire life making other people or company's rich. I have worked on everything from a pallet jack to CNC's, EDM's and CO2 metal cutting lasers.
I have smoked since I was 5, now it has killed me. I do not blame anyone but myself. I have 2 M/C's in my storage container now and they are not worth selling. Can't get anything for either of them, even thought of parting them out. But now I am not physically able to do that either. 2001 K1200 LTC BMW with $ 1000's of added goodies and a 2005 Rocket III with a bunch of goodies also.
Right now I would say my bucket list is about 98% complete.
But...Now my life as I know it SUCKS..........Again No one to blame except me
Got a Doctor's app. next week going to see if they can figure why I am having so much trouble walking 300 feet or standing for 10 min.
From the waist up I feel like I am 40. My hips and legs are making me miserable, I live on Oxycodone and Dr. Peppers
I love it how a lot of you started with nothing and made it good.
You will Always be my true Hero's