boss hoss revisited

Anything from 2000 to 2014 is just fine as far as safety issues go. There are still many other issues through the years but nothing very serious and the 2008 and newer are pretty dialed in. The earlier ones had lousy fuse boxes, bad fuel pumps, a lousy choke set up on the carb, brakes got better all the time but still not what you're used to, lights that are just ok, etc. Those issues are easily remedied by the mechanically minded. The transmission was always the weak link for the Boss Hoss bikes. Its a two speed, low is strong and no problem, second is weak and has caused many problems over the years. You can beat it to death in low which is good to 100mph but no power shifting into second and no grabbing a handful while in second as the torque often will break it. We have a saying "play in low, pray in second". All in all they won't throw you off any more than any other bike, if you are a good rider. If you just want a V8 to go fast and not for long distance riding consider the V8 Chopper. They don't break and have been ridden with a street tire at the drags in the eight second bracket. You gotta be a good rider but it can be done. V8 bikes are not for everyone but either are our Rockets. I feel lucky to have three great bikes, all different, each seems to be my favorite when I'm riding it.
Absolutely beautiful bikes the Boss Hoss are the kings of the road with out a doubt, what is it like riding something that is at the top of the food chain.
I have rode then twice(demo-days at Daytona) and really enjoyed it.
Absolutely beautiful bikes the Boss Hoss are the kings of the road with out a doubt, what is it like riding something that is at the top of the food chain.
I have rode then twice(demo-days at Daytona) and really enjoyed it.

Scott, I am not sure about them being at the top of the food chain but they are good bikes. They don't handle to well, kind of like a Harley bagger, they stop worse than any bike I've ridden except for the old mechanical brake bikes I rode growing up, but they stop good enough and handle good enough, I probably won't race any Ducati's on a twisty road anyway. They are a lazy mans bike, once you get used to no clutch, primary chains, cables and levers, and the smooth take off of the automatic, plus the ease of riding in stop and go traffic you become very lazy. The weight is also a plus on the hi way as the large windshield plows thru the wind effortlessly and the road bumps are hardly ever felt. If you have a passenger the bike does not know it, these motors are found in a million pick up trucks pulling fifth wheel trailers every day. You can't overheat it as its never strained, mine usually runs under 180 no matter what. It never leaks and it doesn't break. I had to replace the alternator, no dealer just a nearby Auto Zone or Napa. I like it but its not the top of the food chain, there isn't any bike on the top of the food chain, each is a compromise. My Rocket is plenty fast and handles surprisingly well, and it stops fantastic. Its comfortable and also doesn't care about the added weight of a passenger. It gets twice the gas mileage of the Boss. I sometimes like the clutch and shifting, and I like leaning into a corner at an angle the Boss has never seen. The Rocket is great but it also can't be top of the food chain. The Chopper does one thing no other bike seems to do as well if at all. The Chopper makes me feel young, its just the baddest bike I ever rode, maybe worthless in the normal attributes bikes are judged by but in reality its the most fun, still not the top of the food chain.
YES DAVE I know the one I rode had no brakes and I almost ran into the back of a bus at that point I was just hoping to get the thing back to the shop Im and old Road Racer so I didnt enjoy the whale by the tale handling and like you say that trans is a real slush box I like my 23 T BUCKET better it was outrageous with the BLOWN HEMI CHRYSLER but was also a pain in the ass just to keep clean with all the chrome running gear and engine parts BUT Ill stick to the hot rodded ROCKETS for now they do everything well are nice and comfy

Stick to the Rocket, you love it and it does everything you want. I'm keeping my Rocket also, I like it and its more a traditional motorcycle. Im keeping all three cause I'm spoiled, I got one for whatever mood I'm in.
Stick to the Rocket, you love it and it does everything you want. I'm keeping my Rocket also, I like it and its more a traditional motorcycle. Im keeping all three cause I'm spoiled, I got one for whatever mood I'm in.
THATS COOL DAVE I like the V8s the same as I like HOT ROD cars they are unique and get a lot of attention
I test rode a Boss Hoss with the 502 HP Corvette motor in it a couple years back. All I could say when I got off that thing was WOW! That bike was crazy fast and crazy big! Not in a dangerous way, and I nailed the throttle quite a few times on the test ride. It was just crazy! Like riding a speeding fright train or something. The Rocket is a mini version of that monster, and WAY more affordable. But I gotta say if I had a spare 50K laying around, I would have been riding that thing home! Dangerous? Aren't they all?
IM surprised they could sell a bike that big that has NO BRAKES scared the **** out of me trying to stop from 70 mph
IM surprised they could sell a bike that big that has NO BRAKES scared the **** out of me trying to stop from 70 mph

Its quite an exaggeration to say it has "NO BRAKES" and imply that it maybe should not be for sale because it can't stop. They are hydraulic disc brakes, aren't ABS but they work. Of course they don't work as well as a bike half its weight but neither do they take twice as long to stop. They can be locked up if you try hard enough. The foot and lever take more pressure than a normal bike but the bike will stop. The brakes will fade easier after multiple hard stops in a row because of the weight than a normal bike but its not like they are unsafe. One other point to make is that the newest bikes they made had a super large 6 caliper rear brake with some sort of car rotor, the double kind with air an vented space in between. I heard those worked real well. There was also a guy in New Zealand that made a six caliper retrofit for the rear brake. The front discs works pretty well as is. The important thing to remember is the bikes are fine as cruisers just like a Harley bagger but neither is any good as a road racer. My Boss is 13 years old and will stop from 70 or 80 or whatever without SCARING ME AT ALL, maybe the one you rode was older or brake pads were worn out. By the way the brake pads only last about half the time of a normal bike. I keep a set in my bag as they're a five minute job to change at the curb and they aren't much money.
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YES I dont know how you can ride any motorcycle like those Harley baggers that have lousy brakes thats ridiculous that Harley can sell bikes that dont stop everytime I ride one I cant believe they wont put decent brakes on those chromed out custom painted bling wagons