Boog's Review of the 2020 R and GT

The Boog Has spoken and the verdict is positive! Thanks for the in-depth review
I watched the other R3 on each ride and was amazed at how much the single sided swing arm moves. The plate holder seems to be alive on its own, judging by the movement. The brake light is far better than the older models too and the blinkers seem to be brighter as well; must be the LEDs.

Once back at MOD, I did another set of parking lot maneuvers and think this bike is well suited for such. I love how lightweight and balanced these are and the ease with which they move.

As I parked the Roadster and sat upright, I felt my lower back was unhappy. This stems from an old injury that makes any position of leaning forward annoying to my lower back. I did not get this on the GT. Too bad the GT does not come with red paint.

I think Triumph should have designated the R3GT as an R3ST for sport touring; not Gran Touring. I have stated in other threads that I wished the GT had bigger panniers than offered. If you want the boxes, they must be bought separate. The GT seems to be more akin to a standard with cosmic power and the Roadster more like a naked sport bike; neither seems to be cruisers at all to me.

Would I buy either, yes! The GT for sure as it fits me better. Ken at MOD tells me that he is certain Triumph will offer a new R3T within the next couple of years though Triumph did not tell him so. I hope they do and I hope the price is more reasonable than $22K for the GT. All these computerized doo-dads are not wanted or needed by me and I hate to pay for things I do not require.

Before I left, I noticed that the Silver GT sold, so it looks as if MOD will not have trouble moving these new monsters.

As I rode away on Brahma, I realized that the R3T still suits me great even if it does not have the power of the new bikes. I feel so much more comfortable on my ride even with its 71K miles. And the amount of room I have for storage cannot be understated.
Super write up! I sat on the R3R and it just didn't work but when I sat on the GT it seemed just right. Dealer said test rides in February if they still have one around (doubtful) so now I really can't wait. Thanks again Boog!
I'm skeptical. What if it fails while riding and locks up ?
The Ducati had it since 2016 and I never had a problem. It can only activate on full lock (I guess like any steering lock?) so you’d have have be doing some very odd riding at the moment it decided to lock itself. I mean, bear in mind that the way ABS works is it releases the brakes at some point during function - if you decided these things can fail there won’t be many vehicles left you can operate.

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