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Good write Boog I to am not quite sure of all the gadgetry either way I am just wondering how much more of a electrical nightmare (if any) is going to creep in. I am also wondering on Tuning with all this extra stuff is it going to make it so only piggyback electronics can be used to tune it? I know time will tell and I surely hope everything designed into these new monsters are not affected by electrical gremlins. Just wait until people start cutting wires for their backyard fixesWhat you write here is exactly my thought when I started the review. I do not appreciate all the electronics knowing full well other will. That is what makes our motorcycle world great I think; many different opinions.
I do wish they had a basic version though for those of us who prefer the bike without the "gee-wizardly" stuff.
I also would want to wait until they finish designing the rear end of the bike