BMW stops selling all its motorcycles in US except for electric motorcycles

Temporary tolls on the NY thruway, lol, until the bonds are paid off. ( 10 years ago) well, we need to upgrade the tollboths
Can't make this **** up.
Fired all the toll collectors, went 100% transponders , and due to the savings, RAISED THE TOLL.
Rant over, back to our regularly scheduled programming
During world war II income tax in USA canada was launched as *temporarily*

There was no income tax in usa before wwii
It's the "mcRib"
Take it away... bring it back for a while... at least there canceling themselves. Either Greta activists or sexual deviants are causing beer and vehicles to be the blame for covering up the fact that china is 1,000 more of a polluter than the usa and other 1st world nations.
Of course I'm no help but to satire the situation is nonsensical ramblings.
same trick here for all tolls, they are making billions in profit!