You would not believe how bad these can be. For the future. You want to do a thermocure flush. I have done a heat cycle flush 14 times on my rocket. Never once witnessed this happen burping the coolant. The fill plug on the block gets like 99.9% of the air out.
I'm 100% sure this is not burping air out.
So, Your of the opinion the head gasket is probably fine???
You would not believe how bad these can be. For the future. You want to do a thermocure flush. I have done a heat cycle flush 14 times on my rocket. Never once witnessed this happen burping the coolant. The fill plug on the block gets like 99.9% of the air out.
I'm 100% sure this is not burping air out.

i guess i should have added that the arizona heat and riding double up a mountain may have an effect on the water it kicked out.
I prefer to use a vacuum coolant fill procedure,it is the only way to fill some vehicles (Porsche) but works on any closed coolant system, worked great on mine after the detent spring adventure last fall!
I prefer to use a vacuum coolant fill procedure,it is the only way to fill some vehicles (Porsche) but works on any closed coolant system, worked great on mine after the detent spring adventure last fall!
Yes. A fantastic tool. Our 955 requires it.
When I did my thermocure flush on the rocket I had to do 12 flushes on her. Trust me when I say there is no need at all to do anything past using the bleed bolt and topping it off at the res.
So, Your of the opinion the head gasket is probably fine???
The experience I have says that probably yea. Coolant under pressure boils a lot higher than water under little or no pressure. By a large factor. The fact it only bubbles like this when you shut off the bike tells me a lot. Let's start simple and cheap and what we know needs to happen. Look up thermocure. For when you decide to flush it out but for now, let's get some coolant in there.
Also get a refractometer for coolant so you know what it's concentration is.
$20 on Amazon
4-in-1 DEF Antifreeze Coolant Refractometer for Automobile Antifreeze System, Diesel Exhaust Fluid, Battery Acid and Windshield Washer Fluid

Drain the coolant via the bolt on the bottom of the 3 on the water pump with a copper crush washer. Then fill with distilled using the upper coolant bolt on the block. Run till till it gets warm . Do it again. Then half the volume of what you took out you put in concentrate and then top off with distilled. Fill res with 50/50
Go for a ride and see what happens. Leave the cap on. Coolant level should not go down much. Test from the radiator when cool to check it's concentration.

If this fixes what was going on then proceed to to a thermocure flush and be ready for 12 flushes and to see a ton of rust and junk and dry rotted rubber come out. I'll grab pictures of it but I do have a post of my flush. Nasty stuff.
Zerek is great coolant. I recommend you also replace the coolant hoses with a silicone kit.
You can use that crush washer dozens of times. You can sand it flat if it's really bad then get it cherry red with a torch and drop it in water. Or just order a few. Also order 2 more of the formed o rings for the water pump.
I would try a new rad cap first as Mongler07 said previously .I seen that issue before on a mates bike. Easy and cheap to find out.
Hi Folks! Can I assume I have a blown head gasket? Also, when I fill overflow tank to mid-point level, it blows it all out about a minute after I shut the bike down. There is no oil in the coolant. 2014 R3T

Can the head gasket be replaced without pulling the engine from the bike??

Hey Folks! I read all the comments and decided to resolve my head gasket issue before tearing the engine down. I pulled the water pump, replaced the “O” rings (pump showed signs of previous leakage), removed the radiator and flushed twice with a 60/40 water with muriatic acid mixture, filled with R3T correct coolant and replaced cap with an Triumph OEM radiator cap.

It seems to have worked! Rode for 200 miles in our South Texas 90+ degree heat and the coolant tank remains at the mid mark. Bike runs great.

Gonna run a few more times before I’m gonna count my chickens, but it looks good!

Thank you all for your help!!! 😇