Blown away by a sportbike in the twisties...

I have a Roadster and can state, an Exedramax on the rear and a 140 up front works.
A 130 on the front will fault the ABS. Brakes work fine, just no ABS.
Worked this all out awhile back, but can't find it.
The ABS is controlled by the ECU based on the wheel circumference percentages.
IF I 'member, twas like 8%.
WHAT 140 front are you running ?
WHAT 140 front are you running ?

Currently the Avon Cobra 140/75R17

Possible Rocket Roadster Tires.jpg
During my first mid life crisis at the age of 40, I became a born again biker. At the time, 1995, it was a choice of Fireblade or Thunderbird. I decided I would probably die soon if I went for the Blade as speed and cornering were not really in my skill set. 19 years later, the Rocket fulfills every need I have, it goes well enough around corners for me.

The track day does sound like a great idea for building some confidence in the twisties and for learning what the rocket is capable of.
So, I know this is a cruiser, but it's also much, much more, so I guess my expectations are very high for its handling. Well today, while on my usual ride through the canyons, a sportbike appeared in my rear view mirror, seemingly out of nowhere. So, I signaled for him to go by me, but then figured I'd try to keep up with him for a bit. Well he blew me away! I could reel him in on the straightaways, but then there was a series of several turns in a row, and then he was gone. Cornering on his bike just seemed so effortless! Meanwhile, I'm manhandling the beast around the corners at a pretty good clip, but just nowhere as fast and easy as his bike. I must say, I was kinda bugged that he was able to leave me behind so easily. I'm sure part of it was that he was a better rider, but man I wish I could throw the rocket around like that. Maybe I need another bike for canyon carving! I definitely need to work on my riding skills.
So, I know this is a cruiser, but it's also much, much more, so I guess my expectations are very high for its handling. Well today, while on my usual ride through the canyons, a sportbike appeared in my rear view mirror, seemingly out of nowhere. So, I signaled for him to go by me, but then figured I'd try to keep up with him for a bit. Well he blew me away! I could reel him in on the straightaways, but then there was a series of several turns in a row, and then he was gone. Cornering on his bike just seemed so effortless! Meanwhile, I'm manhandling the beast around the corners at a pretty good clip, but just nowhere as fast and easy as his bike. I must say, I was kinda bugged that he was able to leave me behind so easily. I'm sure part of it was that he was a better rider, but man I wish I could throw the rocket around like that. Maybe I need another bike for canyon carving! I definitely need to work on my riding skills.
The Rocket Roadster is not really a fast bike . Yea it's quicker and faster than most cruisers ,but a 600cc sportbike will leave it for dead in any environment with the exception of a one or two block long drag race . The Rocket has lots of torque which makes it feel faster than it really is ,but it runs out of steam very early. If you want to run with sportbikes you will have to modify your Rocket and thats just to run with them in a straight line . To beat them on the twisties you will have to be a much better rider than the sportbike pilot.
The Rocket Roadster is not really a fast bike . Yea it's quicker and faster than most cruisers ,but a 600cc sportbike will leave it for dead in any environment with the exception of a one or two block long drag race . The Rocket has lots of torque which makes it feel faster than it really is ,but it runs out of steam very early. If you want to run with sportbikes you will have to modify your Rocket and thats just to run with them in a straight line . To beat them on the twisties you will have to be a much better rider than the sportbike pilot.
The idea is to have a comfy cruiser that handles and will spank the sport bikes in a drag race you CANT ROAD RACE on public streets unless your an idiot. So its a lot more fun doing it all with a modded Rocket I don't enjoy riding sportbikes on the street as they are only fun when your racing and 99 percent of the time your just cruising on the **** uncomfortable torture racks and I still own 50 some bikes and 6 are sportbikes that I never ride
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