So, I know this is a cruiser, but it's also much, much more, so I guess my expectations are very high for its handling. Well today, while on my usual ride through the canyons, a sportbike appeared in my rear view mirror, seemingly out of nowhere. So, I signaled for him to go by me, but then figured I'd try to keep up with him for a bit. Well he blew me away! I could reel him in on the straightaways, but then there was a series of several turns in a row, and then he was gone. Cornering on his bike just seemed so effortless! Meanwhile, I'm manhandling the beast around the corners at a pretty good clip, but just nowhere as fast and easy as his bike. I must say, I was kinda bugged that he was able to leave me behind so easily. I'm sure part of it was that he was a better rider, but man I wish I could throw the rocket around like that. Maybe I need another bike for canyon carving! I definitely need to work on my riding skills.