Blowing in the wind - the need for a revised kickstand

Also, never leave a bike cover on in high winds. DAMHIK

So that's what it looks like from the bottom looking up, I always wondered, thanks for the photo, I'll blow it up so I'll know where to look for stuff, hopefully the crash bar's worked and didn't scratch the paint or break anything. No really, not a good sight, hope it all worked out, gl.
Did anyone think of turning the bike around so the port side is on the downhill slope, or am I missing something, unless you have to pull it backwards uphill I mean.
Just my 2 cent's, maybe all it's worth, and I don't think you would want to take anymore than 1/4" = about 5mm or it will lean too much to the left if you ask me. I've never seen anyone try to weld cast anything, well I saw a company come in and try to heat up a flat casting, iron and did it with a torch, as soon as it started to get hot the whole bottom cracked and fell, yeah aluminum plate torch weld is easy, but cast aluminum a whole different animal, especially if it's from China cast aluminum, it's like trying to weld slag. Too much impurities.
You can always experiment, I would have a replacement in hand first, and start grinding mm by mm, and when you find what works for you, than cut up 1/8 more and put a piece of 1/8" aluminum or steel plate , like a 6"x6" square under it before you put it down everywhere you go.
Or cut a small foot and JB weld works pretty good and if it falls off have the square piece handy.
Like 8 way's to skin a cat, but 1 more will be too much and too much of anything can kill you, don't want that. Gl
After cutting the stand could you drill into it and bolt on a foot pad (maybe like below), adding some epoxy for good measure, or is drilling into that cast aluminum a bad idea?

Going on vacation and plan to get out the grinder when I return.

Has anyone ever tried putting a magnet on it to see if it is steel or titanium?
Surely someone has a magnet

Surely someone has a magnet
Hey turbo how you doing, guess you're like me and skip the instructions, ( the original Post) Just kidding with you buddy, have a great day, beautiful over and up here, how's it down there GL keep it on 2 wheels
Hey turbo how you doing, guess you're like me and skip the instructions, ( the original Post) Just kidding with you buddy, have a great day, beautiful over and up here, how's it down there GL keep it on 2 wheels

Hey bro i am doing great bet u r enjoying summer
I will blame this one on the heat
106 and a low of 85. Lol

After looking at the post #1 and the picture
I would say that u might be able to take a die grinder and cut a little more out of that slot allowing the kickstand to move forward to increase angle and also make it more stable when pointed down hill.
Also remember some great ideas really suck lol
Looking at mine today, I'm gonna do a 3/16" cut off the bottom of the kickstand pad. That should leave enough meat on the stand foot and get the lean angle over a few precious degrees. I'm thinking removing the stand and letting a machine shop shave off at the proper angle instead of grinding on it.