Broke both mine at different times. One of the most common motorcycle injuries .... especially common in cyclists. Classic treatment is figure of eight bandage to stop overriding of the bone ends. They used to do this to young women to get them to hold their shoulders back and lift their bust up ...... the photo shows that you have about the same shape as me and you could probably do with a bit of bust lifting
It will be a useless arm for a while as the collar bone stabilizes the shoulder. When they let you out of the palace of expert torture (hospital) find a place on your verandah and screw a pulley in to a beam. Put a long length of cord or light rope through it with a loop at each end. hold a loop in each hand and pull down with the good arm to lift your effected arm up then try to pull down with the effected arm gently. Do as many reps as you can handle but dont overdo it.
This will keep the muscles tight and in place which saves wasting and a loose shoulder later on. Also ensures range of movement which stops the capsule from freezing up. Your shoulder will be weak for months ...... I still catch myself grabbing my wrist to get a drink or a smoke to my mouth but that is just habit now years later.
"Physio the rapists" will want to use TENs machines and the like but they miss the importance of maintaining range of movement in the joint.
So, in short stabilise (figure eight bandage), prevent overriding and maintain structure (figure of eight), maintain range of movement and prevent muscle wastage (pulley system).
See you up the road ..... easy to recognise, we will be the blokes holding the arm that's holding a Schooner (woops sorry your a Queenslander ...... holding a Pot).
Bloody American spellcheck keeps wanting to put z instead of s
I have had both of mine done. I can say if yoi did it on a rocket at speed make sure they look closely at the ACL joint. Its pretty much the normal practice nowadays. Most are in an out in 3 or 4 hours. You'll be out like a light. Tell them yes for the nerve pinch. I won't confirm or deny push mowing mine and the neighbors yard a couple days after the surgery the orthopedic surgeon show be able to give you a percentage of a chance that it will give you problem without. I am not even sure if they make clavicle straps anymore.
Wishes of full and quick mending from here! That hurts just to look at! On another note my former mother in law got extracted with nine broken ribs out of a car and only days later they established there were actually 10 broken ribs but she got back in (her) shape relatively quick. You'll be good, take it easy!
If you can heal without the Surgery, that would likely be much better, i can tell you, the Screws can be unpleasant, some you might feel, some you might not, the ones in my shoulder don't bother me to much, the ones in my leg, I had to have them taken out, they were driving me nuts, they kept telling me i couldn't feel them, I had some other news for them on that one.