Bloody hell it hurts

Thanks everyone
The pain is pretty bad and I am a typical male being a sook.

I am lucky it is not far from home and hoping to get a look at the bike asap

Its not going to stop my plans of riding around Aust on the rocket. Just delay it a bit

My wife has banned me from dirt roads. I was having a ball on the dirt as the Rocket slides nicely.
I wasn’t doing any of that before the accident.
I am just hoping the bike doesn’t get too expensive to repair as it would be devestating if they wrote it off.
It would stuff up everything for the trip of a lifetime.
Doing one of my regular trips down to Canberra when the COVID restrictions allow.

Always looking for different routes to take and the one I took yesterday to me on a dirt section
which never worries me after about 30mins maybe came up to a corner which had a heap of loose
rock on it going well until the camber change drastically and just couldn’t get the bike to turn.
I went to lay it down and it high sided me a fair way down the road. Maybe I was getting a bit impatient
and was traveling a bit quicker than I should of. Probably doing 30-40kph.
Result 8 broken Ribs and broken collarbone.
The pain is excruciating to say the least and staying for a while at Lismore hospital.

Bent Rocket that doesn’t look too bad as the panniers took the brunt of the crash
Hurts reading it. Get better ! Wishing you speedy recovery. 👍
Bugger mate. I don't balk at dirt at all .... just go slow.
I'm going around OZ again in May. Doing health checks on some of the stations up the Barclay Stock route to begin with.... luckily most stops are only 5k or so off the tar so putting a set of foot pegs behind my footboards so I can stand up and ride the Rocket like an adventure bike ... I have a point to prove with a couple of BMW Gs's. Rockets can handle it with a bit of restraint.
Ribs will heal .... Bikes just cost money and all's good :thumbsup: