Bloody hell it hurts

@RobWhi I am glad you are pulling out of this. It is slow to heal on this type of injury, I know you don't need to say so, but I know the pain as well.

Keep getting better, take those slow deep breaths that the therapist say to do and get that trip back on the calendar.
Has anyone that has broken their collar bone have comments on whether to let it naturally heal or
have the surgery to have it tacked together. My wife wants me to have the surgery as our sons broken
collar bone has left a large lump on his shoulder
Has anyone that has broken their collar bone have comments on whether to let it naturally heal or
have the surgery to have it tacked together. My wife wants me to have the surgery as our sons broken
collar bone has left a large lump on his shoulder
Broke mine, no surgery but had to wear a figure 8 brace to hold the bone in proper position for a month or so. Healed back together with a lump at the break joint which disappeared a year or two later. Not sure if the lump dissolved or if the entire bone thickened. Either way you can no longer see or feel where the break was.
I broke my right collar bone twice, and it healed happily where it was. Slightly larger lump than the other side but absolutely no problems.
Sorry to hear of the accident and the setback getting ready for the trip. Looks like your modeling career is in tact

As for the surgery, you may have a lump from the plate and pins as well. Riding buddy of mine broke his collarbone in 3 places and had to have the surgery. That bump isn’t going away. Depends on the place of the break, but the result could be lumpy either way. Something to discuss with your doctor further.
Any broken bone will heal with a larger diameter at the break than it was originally. Orthopedic surgeons recommend that a collar bone heal without surgery. The only reason to surgically bolt the bone together is if for some reason the two parts of the bone are too far separated and need to be held together to heal.
It's nice that your wife is so concerned with your healing tho.
Has anyone that has broken their collar bone have comments on whether to let it naturally heal or
have the surgery to have it tacked together. My wife wants me to have the surgery as our sons broken
collar bone has left a large lump on his shoulder
Surgery and physical therapy or you will never get full range of motion again.
Has anyone that has broken their collar bone have comments on whether to let it naturally heal or
have the surgery to have it tacked together. My wife wants me to have the surgery as our sons broken
collar bone has left a large lump on his shoulder
@warp9.9 likes to have his broken collar bones mended by surgery.