Mully...having seen your bike up close and personal I can testify to the fact that you do indeed have a badass ride. about you post how you got that windscreen on there like we talked about in MV? Some may want to copy it (like me)...after all some say plagiarism is the highest form of flattery
Mully...having seen your bike up close and personal I can testify to the fact that you do indeed have a badass ride. about you post how you got that windscreen on there like we talked about in MV? Some may want to copy it (like me)...after all some say plagiarism is the highest form of flattery
The brackets come with it but they aren't chrome just primed. I used a Dremel tool with a cut off wheel attached.
I attached the brackets on the forks and got a idea where I needed to start cutting by lining up the holes in the windshield to the brackets visually. The head lights will not allow you to mount the windshield and make a mark with a sharpie. The brakets will go all the way to the top of the forks and touch the triple tree. I taped up the entire windshield with blue masking tape front and back. I doubled layered the tape in the area where I was going to be cutting just in case the Dremel tool got away from me. That was the easy part. Just start cutting until you are able to mount the windshield to the brackets and the left and right side head light holes look the same. After I got it cut out I started sanding the edges and making the them round like the rest of the windshield. You can heat the edges up with a propane torch and they will gloss over and really look neat but after I tried it with a few scrap pieces I decided to leave well enough alone.
Here is the windshield in this link. It's the very last windshield on the web page. You can go tinted if you like which is the one just above it.