I asked a friend of mine is there any product that I could paint over some chrome pieces on my bike and later if I didn't like it I could remove the paint?
He told me about Plasti Dip. If you go to YouTube and type in Plasti Dip you will see hundreds of how too videos. Mainly how to spray it on and also how to remove it.
I've been thinking about blacking out the headlight buckets, turn signals and the bear claw. After seeing the 2013 Roadster I just had to give it a shot.
I blacked out the headlights, fork guards, front turn signals, horn cover, rear fender protectors, and the fly screen brackets. I still have to do the rear turn signals. I am very happy with the results.
Now what I'm interesting in is how durable this coating stands up to rocks and bugs. Time will tell I guess.
EDIT: Well the date is 5/24/13 and the Plasti Dip is still holding strong. The only peeling I have right now is where my leg touches the bear claw. I can always just peel the Plasti Dip and redo it anytime I want without a bunch of trouble.