I decided chrome is OUT and Black is IN! Couldn't powder coat the radiator cowl or horn, so I used Plasti-Dip spray 2 cans for around $13.00 What do you guys think? Stuff is easy to work with and you can peel it off if you don't like it! Hold up to a powerwasher! BGefore and after pics!
Plasti Dip sounds like an very interesting product. Have seen some video clips and and whole car painted in the stuff. Looks good on a black bike. Nice job.
If it peels off it probably will, Since seeing the R3R's with the blacked out grill's I want to do it to my bike. Not being a body man I hesitate to do anything myself. I did read on this forum a R3 owner sanded the hell out of his grill before painting and he didn't mention peeling. Your bike looks great btw,
I decided chrome is OUT and Black is IN! Couldn't powder coat the radiator cowl or horn, so I used Plasti-Dip spray 2 cans for around $13.00 What do you guys think? Stuff is easy to work with and you can peel it off if you don't like it! Hold up to a powerwasher! BGefore and after pics!
I like your mirrors, I was thinking of getting the same ones. Are you enjoying them? Do they have more viewing area then the stock round ones? Would you recommend them?
I like your mirrors, I was thinking of getting the same ones. Are you enjoying them? Do they have more viewing area then the stock round ones? Would you recommend them?
Those mirrors badly vibrate while near 3000 RPM. I have them and I have a hard time seeing anything at cruise RPM. Another member was having the same problem. He and I tried various methods to fix the issue but we never solved it.
Just a fair warning. Not trying to hi-jack the thread, carry on.
Those mirrors badly vibrate while near 3000 RPM. I have them and I have a hard time seeing anything at cruise RPM. Another member was having the same problem. He and I tried various methods to fix the issue but we never solved it.
Just a fair warning. Not trying to hi-jack the thread, carry on.
Thanks alot guys. As far as my mirrors go, I don't seem to have any problems with them, and I push the bike pretty hard. The plasti-Dip was very easy to apply, only prep was to use a windex type cleaner on the parts and give alot of coats. Does NOT run, lays nice, seems to orange peel them dries smooth!! Just like most of you, can't even get bike out of garage due to SNOW! waiting for SPRING!!!