Please, let's get back on topic.
@PaddyO did some things, and the bike won't start.
He, being human, quickly blames the most recent thing.
The beauty of this site, is we have the collective experience, and are not feeling the immediate frustration of a no-start machine, to ponder his situation with cold calculation, and hopefully, allow him to go to a better place.
ECU maps have been traded since before this site came along -- and that's been awhile and a bunch of maps.
In fact, this site's Resource forum is a relatively recent addition.
So broad, sweeping statements do not serve us well here.
Good (and bad, I suppose) tuners may change maps in our bikes.
Given the access made available to the masses via Tune ECU, and before that, with Tune Boy (my understanding is Tune ECU is an uncompensated blatant reverse engineering of Tune Boy), folks are free to monkey with their own maps, copy their maps and send to other people.
There are tuners who offer remote service, and these typically err on the side of caution, staying away from the edge of too lean.
So EVERY map comes with a caveat: "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK."
A bare handful of captains on this site actually understand what is going on inside the ECU. The rest who trade in ECU maps are throwing darts over the shoulder, blind folded, hoping for the best.
In my own case, I saw reference to the "de-restricting" tune for the Touring bikes, what I had, and I was interested.
@HansO at the time, was tweaking that map for various folks' requests, including me.
At the cost of substantial reduction in fuel efficiency, his map was good enough for a number of us.
I've since come to understand the availability of, and benefits/wisdom - a dedicated map for my bike in its current condition, subject to limitations of the Dynajet machine and operator.
So all of us, take our individual experience, have some interests and desires associated with the Rocket.
Desires are the tricky part, because that is how we want the world to be - sometimes different than it is.
And when that difference impacts other people, and they don't see it our way -- we would do well to just back off.
Cooperate where we can, respectfully agree to disagree where we can't, and move on, dwelling on where we make others happy, and we in turn derive happiness.
In the end, it doesn't matter what is in your bike -- it only matters that your expectations are met, and if not, then the Serenity Prayer comes in:
Grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change.
Grant me the courage to change the things I can.
Grant me the wisdom to know the difference.