Bike dies when turning right???


Jun 29, 2010
I have an 06 Classic that I purchased pre-owned a couple of months ago, and it has run perfectly since. Yesterday morning I took a 2-hour problems at all. Went out this morning to go for another ride, and as I was backing the bike out of the garage, I noticed that I lost all power when I turned the handlebar to the right. As soon as I move the bars back toward center position....power comes back. I did nothing to the bike since the ride yesterday, and cannot figure out what the problem might be. It does not matter if the bike is running or will die while moving if I turn the bars too far to the right (about halfway between center and full right is where power goes out). Any feedback on what this problem might be? Could this be the dreaded "ignition" problem that I have read so much about?
Could be, just start it up and jiggle the ignition wire close to the base of where the key goes. Mind did the same thing. Took it to the dealer and they soldered it back togther, no problems since then.
Also I was able to zip tie the wire in a position that it would stay running long enough for me to ride it to the dealer.
Or the cable right under the ignition switch (not the switch itself) getting gradually sheared. Happened to me. Jamie
Thanks to everyone for the feedback. I must mention that I forgot one mod that I did two days ago, and that was to install Kuryakyn ISO grips. Since the control housing had to be removed to install, is it possible I couuld have done something during the install? When I loosened the control housing I let it hang freely until re-securing...could that have pulled something loose? This was done on Friday, but the bike ran absolutely fine yesterday...
While my ignition switch was failing, yanking the steering back and forth would sometimes make it start working again. Sure sounds like the typical R3 switch trouble.
I had a similar thing and it was the ignition connector block under the tank. one wire was heating up. The Triumph dealer cut the block out and soldered all the wires individually.
This is also part of the Infamous Upgrade Kit, Triumph has included instuctions on fixing the wiring and ignition switch.................