Bike at the dealer...

Oh.. Dawn's not tired of the girlie bike.. :) lol She's ready for me to get mine back so I won't be riding hers as much.. lol

In addition to the rough idling problem, I had them do the "30,000" mile service as well, which includes checking valve shim clearances and replacing as necessary.
I got the bike back this afternoon. First of all, I was unable to speak to the service manager, so I don't know how many shims were replaced and how much they were out of speck, or anything about the throttle position sensor either. All the receipt says is they performed the 30,000 mile service, changed oil and oil filter, and did my little welding job I asked for. The bracket I asked them to weld on my TORs is lower than it should be.. GRRRR.. Second of all, the bike is FREAKING FILTHY. There's atleast proof that someone put hands on pretty much every part of the bike. I do know they atleast removed the valve cover and put it back on. I've worked on and rebuilt many motorcycles when I was younger, and I NEVER would have returned a bike to a customer DIRTY. In fact, I usually returned their bikes cleaner than when they brought them in!

Now.. the bike does run very good, much better than when you last heard it, Mark! They seem to have loaded the correct Triumph tune for TORs/cat-bypass. I noticed an ever so slight miss once or twice at about 2,000 RPM, but other than that, there's minimal popping on decel and the exhaust "log" is not excessively hot, so I know it's not too lean. I will say that there is a difference you can feel between the Triumph TOR tune and the PC-III TOR tune I was running. It runs great and will spin the rear AVON $$$ at will, there is a real difference in the way the bike runs though.

So it appears that they did all the work expected of them, but I have no information on what they really did, if that makes sense. I brought my bike in clean and received it back a HUGE MESS! But she runs really good, can't even complain about the miss above, just a slight something I noticed a time or two..

I'm happy with how the bike runs now, the 30,000 mile price seems on par with others I've read here, but I am pretty disappointed in the way me and my bike were treated.

well, if I had my druthers, I'd go with a sloppy clean-up/good running bike rather than a good clean-up/sloppy running bike. are you ok with taking it back for future service? :confused:

Since the bike is running good, I will probably use them for further service on items I can't handle myself. They also were very short on Triumph gear at the moment. My wife wanted to buy some gloves and boots, but they didn't have any. Just got the same feeling I always get with a dealer. I was hoping to feel like I could take my bike there and feel welcome enough to want to support them with other minor issues or purchasing accessories from them as well. Instead, it was more like a cattle herd. Bike in - give us cash - Bike out. I'll probably still use them for service with my bike when absolutely necessary.
Just go to Austin for your goodies. They have a huge selection, and are very helpful, at least in the sales dept. I have never used their shop, but certainly would if they where closer...especially after the "tire" comment.