Bike at the dealer...

hahahaa... I told her it needed the carbs blown out. It doesn't like riding at "only 4,000 RPM" all of the time.. :) It's just getting started at 4,000 RPM.. :) That's about 70 MPH in 6th gear.. :)

Um Dave, what makes you so sure shee'll let you ride it?? She knows how you drive. Besides she probably afraid it will come home with flames:D
Just got some good news from a shop in Kerrville. They are again allowing us to bring in the wheel/rim and new tire so we can do most of the labor rather than them doing it and charging tons to take tire off of bike and then put back. Had a woman service manager sometime back that insisted we had to bring my bike in for them to do all of the work (more money) due to insurance reasons. But have new male service manager and he said he has a waiver now we can sign and it is much cheaper for us and much easier for him.
$37 if they have no major problems. $74 if there is major problems. Won't put car tire on, older than 3 year tire, or one that has been re-tread. Sounds resonable to me.

I will not be taking my bike to them, I always use re-treads on my rear but i am not stupid enough to use re-treads on the front. :eek:
Dealer called Saturday afternoon and said bike was ready. Didn't get detail or cost yet, as I was in the middle of a horse play day that my daughter and her horse were participating in... :)

Will get more detail and pick up bike tomorrow.. ( Why are all motorcycle dealers closed on Sunday and Monday? ).. Can't wait to get the bike back! I've been enjoying the Trophy, but it's just not the bike for me... :)
Won't be able to get to the dealer to pick up the bike until tomorrow afternoon. Total cost for all of the above was $457.79. Hopefully, I'll get more details tomorrow, such as how many shims were out of specs. That's what I'm most curious about.
I miss my bike!!!! Can I say that again?.. lol We sure are spoiled.

I've been riding my wife's Trophy and it has PLENTY of horse power, but it's all at 4000 RPM and higher! This used to not be a big thing, just having to re-learn to ride in that RPM range to get the real power. Most inline 4's have that type of power range, but I sure am spoiled to our 140-50 lbs/ft of torque ready to pull at a moments notice, no matter what RPM...:D:D
So yours was not an electrical (EFI) problem, more of a valve problem?
Any time you (y'all) get tired of that girlee bike, just let me know and I'll take it off of y'alls hands.:D