Bike at the dealer...


Living Legend
Mar 8, 2006
La Vernia, TX
Got the bike to the dealer yesterday. Alamo BMW/Triumph just took on Triumph this year. In addition to my idle problem, I went ahead and had them do the 30,000 mile service (bike has 38,000) to include checking valve shim clearances, since I've never had them checked. I'm also having them weld the bracked on my TORs where the "middle heat shield" for lack of a better term bolts on. I have removed my PC-III and am going to go with Triumph's TOR tune for the moment.

I'm went ahead and took it to the dealer mostly because I don't have time to work on it, but also, I want to see how this dealer's service stands compared to others that have been posted about. I will admit, I was a little nervous leaving my bike there, but we'll see. Not anything they said or did. They also build race cars and are very into older Triumphs as well, so I know they are atleast mechanically inclined.. lol

I was somewhat surprised on this visit to Alamo. The last time I visited, the show room was very organized with plenty of Triumph gear in stock, and the show room was split in half with BMW on one side and Triumph on the other. This time, the wall splitting the show room was gone, and the bikes were all mixed together. Also most of the gear was gone.. Should have asked before, but I will ask about it on next visit.
They may have been just in the middle of reorganizing for '09 models coming in.
I just saw on the news that they "just" packed up "Everything" and shagged ass. On the live footage I saw a blue bike with flames pulling a trailer full of crap
Just bought the Blue Flame from some guy named Abdul off of Ebay. Got a hell of a deal. Seriously, good luck Dave. I am sure your FBG is in good hands.
I would have believe you more if the guy's name had been Antonio Hernandez Garza Rodriguez...

Oh well.. atleast I have another Triumph to ride (courtesy of the wife.. ) It might be a girl's bike, but atleast it's a Triumph.. lol

Just bought the Blue Flame from some guy named Abdul off of Ebay. Got a hell of a deal. Seriously, good luck Dave. I am sure your FBG is in good hands.
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hey Dave,

hope all goes well with your baby at alamo. I'm hoping to buy the next edition(G.T.) from there.....


When we went along time ago, that is the way stuff was. Triumph one side and BMW on the other side. And not much of anything for either. That was months ago. Good luck to you. I was asking the counter kid about differant mirrors for my bike and he had no idea what would work on it, much less what the option mirrors were on the new cruisers. Didn't have anything in stock either. When he pulled it up on the website I had to tell him that the two he pulled up were not all that was offered.

Bear called a couple of weeks ago to see about a battery for his bike and they didn't carry any. Had to special order it pay up front for it. And he thought it was too expensive. So he called Mark at Euroshop. Much cheaper and had three in stock.

I told Bear I didn't think would trust them with my bike and would continue to take mine to Euroshop when Bear couldn't do what needed to be done himself. He agreed.

Good luck to you. Let us know how it goes.
Just got some good news from a shop in Kerrville. They are again allowing us to bring in the rear wheel/rim and new tire so we can do most of the labor rather than them doing it and charging tons to take tire off of bike and then put back. Had a woman service manager sometime back that insisted we had to bring my bike in for them to do all of the work (more money) due to insurance reasons. But have new male service manager and he said he has a waiver now we can sign and it is much cheaper for us and much easier for him.
$37 if they have no major problems. $74 if there is major problems. Won't put car tire on, older than 3 year tire, or one that has been re-tread. Sounds resonable to me.
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Um Dave, what makes you so sure shee'll let you ride it?? She knows how you drive. Besides she probably afraid it will come home with flames