Best way to clean my roadster

Haven't heard that before. I use it on my truck and my Patrol and on my Softail for 20 years never had a problem that I was aware of.

Only what i was told mate..... i used CT18 for years myself. Don't think it's a problem with painted or chromed parts.
how to clean roadster

How do you guys go about keeping your roadsters clean? How do you quickly get rid of the bugs after a ride? Do you wax your roadsters?
dont know about cleaning roadsters just r3 classic put a little jet dry (the stuff youre wife uses in the dishwasher to keep from making spots on youre fine crystal glasses)it sure helps on leaving no water spots on the finished product
Almost forgot about this. Of course the absolute quickest and easiest method is what Skip does.
If he has time he might set out step by step instructions for you.

I dont think skip has ever washed his or put it out in the rain for a rinse lol sorry skip but I have seen yours
I was told to apply eucalyptus oil on the chrome and alloy surfaces to prevent insects sticking and damaging the finish, don't know if it works, never tried it.
I was told CT18 truck wash is very acidic , warned against using it on my bikes by .... someone i thought knew what they were talking about , i listened to anyway.

Been told the same thing T/C, was told never to use on Alubright truck wheels the ones that have a coating to keep them shiny. Had no choice to use CT18 was company policy for Bdouble log trucks. never caused a problem fading, acid etching, or blistering of the shiny coating.

Still Not game to put on bike, but I'm gonna give the Mr Sheen a go.
How do you guys go about keeping your roadsters clean? How do you quickly get rid of the bugs after a ride? Do you wax your roadsters?

pledge furniture polish. Awesome on bugs, won't mess the windshield. Helmet smells good too.