Been a few years....

Those were the the days alright Tal ........when bikes ran on the smell of an oily rag and to re-fill you only had to strip and wave your jeans over the tank by the sound of it!
EEEUUUUUWWWWW ! I can't agree with you people ! If I had to get that nasty/dirty to ride , I believe that I would just stay home ! Riding is certainly fun but feeling that icky would pretty much squash the fun for me. Somebody said , "Different strokes for different folks" and I could not agree more ! I'll stay home and enjoy my creature comforts leaving the stiff jeans to you really hearty types.
PS If you see me during one of those rides you talk about , just ride on by me (fast) and don't bother to wave!
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Why would anyone reminisce regarding being dirty and filthy ? I certainly do not want to think of anyone as taking a bath on Friday night , rather daily as you elude to later in your response. The later would be a lot more sensitive towards most folks scruples reflecting cleanliness. I hope that if and when I reach 90 to 105
years old I have no memories or being dirty , filthy , and disgusting as a basis of conversation with my cronies!
My Rocket seems to be doing fine during my almost three year ownership , and whether anyone believes that it may require a different sort of treatment or exercise regime is of no real importance unless that person is both able and willing to show some type of monetary support of my motorcycle. The other motorcycles that I own are not only doing fine also but all look as fine as the day I purchased them. I invest a rather large amount of money in an effort to keep not only me , but all of my vehicles , of which there are many , in a state of cleanliness , excellent repair , and professional condition for readiness ----at all times.
Like I stated , if you choose to be dirty , filthy and even reminisce of such atrocities ; please ride on by me and if my threads about cleanliness or even my thought of such matters displease you------I apologize but I really do not care to discuss these matters ever again.
BTW A "guy thing" to you may define your state of being but the gentlemen that I know are far more aware of their personal appearance and care about their cleanliness much more than to ever claim your definition of a "a guy thing". !
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.....the bikes were our pride and joy...sparkling clean too! but the jeans, denim jackets and tee shirts,,,not so much! was long and scruffy but regularly washed!....couldnt get any ladies if we smelt like pigs! was all about the look....