
May 2, 2020
2020 R3 GT
How would one avoid getting stranded with weak or dead battery? Check voltage with bike off periodically to be 12v and above? Wait until slow starting? A certain period of time and swap for new? Kinda like the last option.
1.5 yr old now and wondering.
Across the two terminals (unloaded = bike off), the battery should read about 14V +/- 0.5V. If that's what you are seeing, you're good as far as voltage goes.

Typically lead-cell batteries for motorcycles are good for 5 years, give or take usage. This has been my experience with 3 Rockets thus far.
Yeah, if you're reading 12.0V on a lead-acid battery, you're nearly dead already. I use one of these to keep my phone charged while riding. It gives me a constant readout of battery voltage.

A lead-acid battery will be fully charged at ~12.7V (assuming no loads). At 12.0V, you're already over half-way discharged. While the motor is running, you should see 14+V.
Heat is the biggest killer of batteries. Here in Arizona, I only get about 2 years out of my automotive batteries. I'd say checking your voltage periodically (when the bike is off) is the best way to easily gauge its health. If you see significantly below 12.7V (after the engine hasn't been running for a few hours), you'll know it's not getting fully charged any more and you should start considering replacement. I'd definitely replace quickly if I was only seeing 12.0V in the battery.
Yeah, if you're reading 12.0V on a lead-acid battery, you're nearly dead already. I use one of these to keep my phone charged while riding. It gives me a constant readout of battery voltage.

A lead-acid battery will be fully charged at ~12.7V (assuming no loads). At 12.0V, you're already over half-way discharged. While the motor is running, you should see 14+V.
Thanks for that Tyler. I have a Hella plug for GPS that looks the same except mine does not have volt reading. Just ordered. That way when riding you see if any problems.
I said 12 volts cause I saw on tune ecu with bike on but not running showed 12 something. Will see exactly today.
My opinion only but this new Rocket seems to draw more power sitting than the older models at least for me. I have difficulty albeit slight starting the new Rocket after say 4 days off tender ( I usually tender but if I think I may ride the following day I won't) than the 05 and 14 Rockets. I usually keep all my bikes on a Tender as it's no big deal and not in the way. Some say it's a hassle but plugging and unplugging doesn't register as problem to me. I got 4 years out of the other bikes Batteries and then bought new batteries only because I thought it was time and like most I nut up when thinking of getting stranded. Every bike and person is different so to each his own. Cheers:thumbsup:
My 8 year old R3T goes through batteries about every two years and it does not have as much of a parasitic draw as your newer machine has. I found in the current moment that an AGM battery works best for my life style. The one I have in the bike at present is right at 2 years old now. I do not expect it to last the winter though it feels quite strong on cool mornings like this week: 34 to 35*F.
My opinion only but this new Rocket seems to draw more power sitting than the older models at least for me. I have difficulty albeit slight starting the new Rocket after say 4 days off tender ( I usually tender but if I think I may ride the following day I won't) than the 05 and 14 Rockets. I usually keep all my bikes on a Tender as it's no big deal and not in the way. Some say it's a hassle but plugging and unplugging doesn't register as problem to me. I got 4 years out of the other bikes Batteries and then bought new batteries only because I thought it was time and like most I nut up when thinking of getting stranded. Every bike and person is different so to each his own. Cheers:thumbsup:
Regular or premium?
My 8 year old R3T goes through batteries about every two years and it does not have as much of a parasitic draw as your newer machine has. I found in the current moment that an AGM battery works best for my life style. The one I have in the bike at present is right at 2 years old now. I do not expect it to last the winter though it feels quite strong on cool mornings like this week: 34 to 35*F.
Cool!! Brrrrr.