Barnett clutch

Mittzy, I've done so much reading/searching, before I started this project, my poor old eyes are sore. Do you have a link to that basket you have ordered. I saw the pic of one that Warp had installed, it looks very nice.

Here you go ask for Kevin he runs the clutch department. But seriously with a stock motor you will be pissing your money away
Also you meed to send your basket to them so they can removed the gears and plates iff the back. The plates on a 04 to 05 basket are .030" thinner then the newer baskets 06 black motors and up.

MTC Engineering - MTC Engineering Website

There great though, I have one on the Falcon and one on the shelf in Illinois for the Titan.
Installed Barnett clutchplates incl.its springs. Pulling the throttle under full charger boost, the clutch is totally slipping:mad:
When engine is running at idle, neutral is hard to 'kick' in. Adjusting clutch freeplay doesn't work either.
I did. Followed video on you tube. Should have bike running this weekend. My bike is not supercharged. Not really expecting any problems. ;););););););););)
I like my Barnett. But I did leave the judder spring and it's washer out. Occasionally get a "judder" with clutch pulled in. I'm guessing it's the plates sorta flopping around. NO slipping at all! However, if I did it again, I'd either put the judder spring in, or use one of the stock friction plates, without the larger center hole.