Barnett clutch

Mine slips under heavy load in taller gears...150hp, clutch properly adjusted and anti-judder installed.

Interestingly a hard launch from a standing start i get no slip
I get ZERO Slippage on both the 232hp and 250hp R3R's. Both with Barnett clutches.
Several guys here are telling the Barnett is slippery, 'me too'. Mittzy, what did you do besides installing the Barnettplates in order avoiding slipping ? I say so because one can notice the inner size of the back frictionplate of the barnett doesn't match with the stock one innersize incl. the anti judderwasher/spring and also one can notice after installing the Barnett the pressureplate has a bit deeper position as before.
Last issue became neutral with mr. Barnett, I had to force it for 'kicking' into neutral' . After removing mr. Barnett and putting back the stock plates, everything was working properly again...
Several guys here are telling the Barnett is slippery, 'me too'. Mittzy, what did you do besides installing the Barnettplates in order avoiding slipping ? I say so because one can notice the inner size of the back frictionplate of the barnett doesn't match with the stock one innersize incl. the anti judderwasher/spring and also one can notice after installing the Barnett the pressureplate has a bit deeper position as before.
Last issue became neutral with mr. Barnett, I had to force it for 'kicking' into neutral' . After removing mr. Barnett and putting back the stock plates, everything was working properly again...

Pressure plate deeper would make me wonder if I put the right number of disc and steels in or leave maybe a steel out. That could make things pretty slippery
Is yours the new TTS cover with hydraulic clutch?
Several guys here are telling the Barnett is slippery, 'me too'. Mittzy, what did you do besides installing the Barnettplates in order avoiding slipping ? I say so because one can notice the inner size of the back frictionplate of the barnett doesn't match with the stock one innersize incl. the anti judderwasher/spring and also one can notice after installing the Barnett the pressureplate has a bit deeper position as before.
Last issue became neutral with mr. Barnett, I had to force it for 'kicking' into neutral' . After removing mr. Barnett and putting back the stock plates, everything was working properly again...
I don't know as both mine were installed by others, one by @Neville Lush and the other by Procycle Dyno here in Brisbane OZ under the guidance of Mr Lush.
Whilst i had one apart recently I do know that i do not have the judder ring/spring/washer or what ever its called.
I have used the Barnett clutches in forced induction engines with 300hp and 240 ft lbs, with no issues. Even after big miles. If they are slipping maybe it is the install or something else.
That leave me with a warm and fuzzy. Installed a Barnett clutch and tomorrow after many other upgrades shall have her running. All this talk about the Barnett clutch had me a bit concerned. Not anymore:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Another call to the front for this thread.

I just got my new Barnett clutch kit, but I noticed that the steels are smooth and not dimpled. I haven't taken my bike apart yet, however comparing these steels with the pictures of the OEM and Suzuki steels, the Barnett doesn't have the dimples. Is that a problem? I see lots of happy Barnett owners, but wondering how this affects performance.
I love my Barnett clutch! I think I have a second set laying around here somewhere, for when one of my other Rocket's need one. I leave the judder spring cwap out, and instead of using the friction plate with the larger center, I replace it with a good stock friction plate. No judder problems, no problem finding neutral, no slipping.:)