1. I introduced myself as a new member, and a happy new owner in the first sentence.
Introduce Yourself !!
2. You said nothing about the year, you just sent a first time poster what appeared to be a sarcastic email as if to say, that's a dumbass question newbie.
Also, I have YET too see anywhere on this site where anyone has ever been treated as a dumba$$ newbie. That's not to saty there aren't a few dumba$$es around here, but hey, every family has a few of those!! This place is NOTHING except extremely accommodating to our new brothers and sisters. We are a family and as such treat each other (mostly) with respect.
3. So, if you actually intended to reference the crap year we had then, OK yeah its been a crappy year.
That it has.
I'm still looking for advice on how to find a seat or tank bag made by Triumph for the 2020 Rocket 3. I've seen them on Triumph dealer websites but I can't seem to find a way to order them. Thanks!
Especially after you start off by insulting peoples family members! FYI, If you do stay around here, you will find this place is FULL of smart arses! It's all usually just tongue and
cheek and if your snowflake melts that easily better to go find a "safe space", so just keep that in mind.
Understandably, the type written word isn't very conducive to conveying emotions/or lack thereof and is often misconstrued. If that is the case, then we can all just get along and move along. I did not see however, in your response, any apology for the insults or realization that is was all just tongue and cheek. If we're all good, then we're all good. If not, I don't have time in my life for douche waffles! 
Just learn to smile and enjoy. This place is a huge wealth of knowledge and help. The 2020 is still very new and accessories are hard to come by. Other than the Corbin's and the OEM bags, don't think there's much out there. @Lamonster is doing a bang up job and engineering and producing some quality looking parts. Think he even referenced a few tailbags he was looking at , especially IRT his oversized rear rack.