As it relates to this post...I have been running the SH847 regulator on my bike for several years now and I have noticed my charging voltage runs rather high. My typical charging voltage runs 14.8 to 15 volts all the time. I would not be concerned with 14.5 but 15 volts is really high and excessive. I have tested my output voltage with several of my high quality digital meters as well as my Optimate tester which checks the draw down voltage during starting. All of my testers indicate 14.8 to 15 volts as the charging voltage. My battery is in excellent condition holding a full charge at 12.8 volts. I have observed this high charging voltage on my last two batteries as I generally replace my batteries every 2-3 years even if they are not giving me a problems (an they haven't). Anyone care to comment on this high charging voltage and if maybe you have experienced the same. I'm looking to find another replacement to see if that solves the issue but I'm still looking.